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Consumers Domain Franchise to revolution“Perfect love is rare indeed - for to be a lover will require that you continually have the subtlety of the very wise, the flexibility of the child, the sensitivity of the artist, the understanding of the philosopher, the acceptance of the saint, the tolerance of the scholar and the fortitude of the certain." —Leo Buscaglia I was appalled upon reading the news regarding the article in the official publication of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP). I happen to know those tagged by the CPP as “class enemies” or “counterrevolutionaries”. Some of them I have worked with for several years already. Since the major split in the left movement in the country during the early part of the 1990s, the progressive left has become a more dynamic movement, as it ushered in a new culture for the left, a culture of intellectual discussion and debate, a culture of openness and honesty. It was a start of a new era in the movement that challenged the totalitarian methods of Joma Sison and the CPP. It is really so shocking and disgusting that CPP and its allies has reached a level of arrogance and egotism that they seem to tag all progressive and activist groups and individuals outside of its sphere of influence as class enemies and counterrevolutionaries. As such they are targets for assassination of the armed components of the CPP. Worldwide, there are differences in progressive ideologies, strategies, tactics and methods among activist groups but there is no one who should claim a franchise on activism and revolutionism. As we aim for social transformation for a better and humane world what is needed is intellectual honesty and tolerance of the diverse ideas and thoughts on revolution. Now, this column is featuring a statement of concern issued by the Focus on the Global South about such CPP “hit-list” which includes its chair Walden Bello and other activists. ASSASSINATION AND VIOLENCE HAVE NO ROLE IN CIVIL SOCIETY Out of deference to the more than 160,000 victims of the tsunami tragedy that engulfed South Asia on December 26, 2004 , we in Focus on the Global South (Focus) have refrained until now from pointing to an alarming development bearing on the security and well being of our Executive Director, Walden Bello. Focus is not in the habit of calling attention to the status of its staff. This time, however, things are different. In the December 2004 issue of Ang Bayan, the principal organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), Walden was singled out as a "counterrevolutionary." His name was listed alongside fourteen other names of individuals who are either living or dead. Two of the people in the "counterrevolutionaries" list, Arturo Tabara and Filemon Lagman, have already been assassinated, the former just three months ago. Another one, Ricardo Reyes, is being hunted down by operatives of the Communist Party and New People's Army (NPA) and has been forced to go into hiding. For people familiar with the history and practices of the Communist Party of the Philippines and its paramilitary wing, the New People's Army, the message of the counterrevolutionaries' list to Walden and the others is unmistakable: You're beyond the pale. You're a "class enemy" to be eliminated, the only questions remaining being when and where the party will carry out the execution. For us in Focus, the listing of Walden and other Filipino activists as counter-revolutionaries deserving of elimination comes as a shock. Walden's writings, books, and contributions speak for themselves: a recipient of the prestigious Right Livelihood Award (also known as the Alternative Nobel Prize), he is acknowledged to be one of the most articulate critics of US intervention and corporate-driven globalization. Others named in the list include prominent international activist Lidy Nacpil (currently the Secretary General of the Freedom from Debt Coalition) and Etta Rosales, head of the Human Rights Committee of the Philippine House of Representatives. Walden, along with Congresswoman Rosales, did the best thing they could do to protect themselves upon the issuance of the CPP hit-list: they publicized it in the media. Since then, in a post-facto effort to justify Walden's being on the hit list, scurrilous attacks have been heaped on him by Jose Maria Sison, chairman of the CPP, and Fidel Agcaoili, another high- level CPP officer. Walden has been pictured as, among other things, an agent of US imperialism and a pro-WTO advocate seeking reform of the organization so it can better exploit the world's people. Focus on the Global South has been pictured as a recipient of "imperialist funds." Organizations and movements that Walden and Focus work with have been labeled "Trotskyite" or "Social Democratic" counterrevolutionary groupings. The global civil society movement that helped bring about the collapse of the WTO ministerials in Seattle and Cancun has been described as a front for global capitalism. This most recent attack on global civil society is consistent with earlier attacks by CPP-linked groups on the World Social Forum (WSF) and Porto Alegre process as an "imperialist plot" to derail people from world revolution. Coming from a sectarian political grouping with a very specific agenda, these fantastic charges against Walden, Focus, and global civil society do not deserve a serious answer. It is important to understand, though, what lies at the root of Walden being listed as a counterrevolutionary. Apparently, the CPP and its allied groups are threatened by the agenda and process of civil-society-led change that Walden and Focus support -- a program that is pluralist, inclusive, and democratic, where different traditions are seen as a source of strength rather than poisons to fundamentalist purity. But the threat to Walden's life and to the lives of the others named as counter-revolutionaries is very real and cannot be ignored. Moreover, sectarian activities carried out by CPP-linked groups -- activities carried out in the name of "isolating the reformists and counterrevolutionaries"-- are sowing intrigue and conflict in some civil society networks and movements, thus weakening our ranks in confronting corporate-driven globalization and US militarism. Differences among groups fighting for change are natural. But these differences should be resolved through democratic debate -- this is a fundamental premise of our movement. Seeking to resolve these differences through threats, force, and assassination cannot be condoned and must be denounced in the strongest terms possible. The use of violence, terror, and assassination must always be condemned, whether the agents are states or non-state actors like the CPP-NPA. Focus on the Global South calls on all civil society organisations and networks globally to condemn such threats and actions in the strongest possible terms. Being part of a bigger global movement for social justice, we have interacted with, worked with, or even supported groups that are associated or working closely with the CPP such as Ibon Foundation, Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP), Cordillera People's Alliance (CPA), International League of People's Struggles (ILPS), KMU (May 1st Movement), Asian Student Association (ASA), and Migrante. We now appeal to the sense of decency of individuals in these and other groups and urge them to denounce these actions and apply moral suasion on Sison and other leaders of the CPP and NPA to refrain from the threat and use of force and assassination. We make a final appeal to the CPP to desist from its destructive course of action and refrain from dividing the movement fighting against corporate globalisation at a critical time in the struggle for a better, just and equitable world. (For comments and suggestions please email ianseruelo@yahoo.com or send text message to 0919-3486337.) |