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Moist Philippine English (II) To respond to the call of globalisation an accent, too, is very important. For one thing, call centres here in Iloilo City hire a person with American accent. A linguist, Carmen Fought, tells that language expresses our identity and reflects who we are, and who we want to be. Every time we speak, we give listeners information about ourselves and where we are from. When we travel around the country we often hear people ask: Oh, are you from Iloilo/Antique/Zamboanga/Bacolod/Ilocos? Or in any case, Where are you from? (with the unstated implicit meaning: because you aren't from around here!) Their guesses might be based on our phonology (the sounds we use, also called accent) or on our choice of particular lexical items. See, accent matters. So, to people who want to practise American English, try to check the pronunciation of the following words in reliable dictionaries. The big book of ‘Beastly Mispronunciations: The Complete Opinionated Guide for the Careful Speaker' by Charles Harrington Elster offers suggestions on how to pronounce thousands of words and expressions. Here are 100 examples! Abdomen AB-duh-men. Occasionally, ab-DOH-men Accessory ak-SES-uh-ree. Do not say uh-SES-uh-ree Alumnae uh-LUHM-nee. Do not say uh-LUHM-ny American(s) uh-MER-i-kin(z), or uh-MAIR-i-kin(z) Bacchus BAK-us, not BAHK-us. Balsamic bawl-SAM-ik. Don't say bawl-SAHM-ik. Bonaparte BOH-nuh-pahrt, not BAHN-uh-pahrt Buffet (sideboard or self-service meal) buh-FAY, buu-FAY, or boo-FAY Chamois SHAM-ee Chauvinism SHOH-vi-niz'm (SHOH-like show, rhyming with slow) Congratulations kun-GRACH-uh-LAY-shinz, not kun-GRAJ-uh-LAY-shinz Conservatism kun-SUR-vuh-tiz'm. Do not say kun-SUR-vuh-tiv-iz'm Costume Kahs-tyoom (recommended) or Kahs-toom Debut (verb) day-BYOO; (noun) day-BYOO or DAY-byoo Demeter di-MEE-tur Diagnosis DY-ig-NOH-sis (also -sis) Disastrous di-ZAS-trus Doppelgänger DAHP-ul-GANG-ur (rhymes with topple hanger) Drowned DROWND Ecstatic ek-STAT-ik Error ER-ur or AIR-ur. Do not say AIR Experiment ek-SPER-uh-mint or ek-SPAIR-uh-mint Fifth FIFTH or FITH Flutist FLOO-tist Forward FOR-wurd (like four + word) Genre ZAHN-ruh, not JAHN-ruh Grocery GROH-suh-ree or GROHS-ree Gymnast JIM-nast, not JIM-nist Heinous HAY-nis. Huge HYOOJ. Pronounce the h Human HYOO-min. Pronounce the h Hundred HUHN-drid Interesting IN-tris-ting or IN-tur-uh-sting or IN-tur-ES-ting Iraq i-RAHK or i-RAK; Iraqi i-RAHK-ee or i-RAK-ee Irony EYE-ruh-nee (like the name Ira + knee). Don't say EYE-ur-nee Jaguar JAG-wahr Jargon JAHR-gun (rhymes with bargain). Jewel(s) JOO-wuul(z). Don't say JOOL(Z) Karaoke: KAR-ee-OH-kee Ketchup KECH-up. Laboratory LAB-ruh-TOR-ee or LAB-uh-ruh-TOR-ee Library LY-brer-ee Liqueur li-KUR. Machination MAK-i-NAY-shin. Do not say MASH-i-NAY-shin Mayonnaise MAY-uh-NAYZ or MAY-uh-NAYZ. Don't say MAY-nayz Medieval MEE-dee-EE-vul or MED-ee-EE-vul Mental MENT'l Merchandise (noun and verb) MUR-chin-DYZ, not MUR-chin-DYS Mirror MIR-ur or MEER-ur Nausea NAW-zee-uh or NAW-shuh; nauseate NAW-zee-AYT; nauseous NAW-shus. Newspaper N(Y)OOZ-pay-pur Niche NICH Not at all NAHT-at-AWL, as spelled Nuclear N(Y)OO-klee-ur. For Pete's sake, don't say NOO-kyuh-lur Obscure uhb-SKYUUR Official uh-FISH-ul. Don't say oh-FISH-ul Often AWF-in or AHF-in. Do not pronounce the t Parental puh-REN-tul. Do not say PAR-en-tul Pathos PAY-thahs (-thahs rhyming with pos in posse) or PAY-thaws (rhymes with play-toss) Patriot PAY-tree-it Pecan pi-KAHN (-KAHN rhyming with John) or pi-KAN (-KAN like can) Porsche PORSH President PREZ-uh-dint (or -dent) Rabid RAB-id. Do not say RAY-bid Ration RASH-in (recommended) or RAY-shin Realtor REE-ul-tur. Do not say REE-luh-tur Repeat (verb, noun, adjective) ri-PEET Route ROOT or ROWT Salmon SAM-un Sandwich SAND-wich Semi SEM-ee (rhymes with Emmy), not SEM-eye Senile SEE-nyl. (like see Nile). Do not say SEN-yl Sentence SEN-tints Similar SIM-i-lur Spontaneity SPAHN-tuh-NEE-i-tee, not SPAHN-tuh-NAY-i-tee Substantive SUHB-stin-tiv, not suhb-STAN-tiv Succeed suk-SEED (like suck seed or sick seed said quickly) Syrup: SIR-up or SUR- up Taurus TOR-us (TOR- as in torn) Technical TEK-ni-kuul Theater THEE-uh-tur Thesis (singular) THEE-sis; theses (plural) THEE-seez Tomato tuh-MAY-toh. Regionally (chiefly New England) and in Britain, tuh-MAH-toh Tribunal try-BYOO-nul Usage YOOS-ij Usual YOO-zhoo-ul Vaccinate VAK-si-NAYT. Don't say VAS-i-NAYT Vacuum VAK-yoom Vase VAYS (rhymes with case and lace) or VAYZ (rhymes with haze) Vehement VEE-uh-mint Visa VEE-zuh, not VEE-suh. The s is properly soft, as in rose Wassail WAHS'l (rhymes with fossil and jostle) Washington WAHSH-ing-tun (or WAWSH-) Wintry WIN-tree, not WIN-tur-ee Xenophobia ZEN-uh-FOH-bee-uh, not ZEE-nuh-FOH-bee-uh Yarmulke YAHR-mul-kuh Yolk YOHK (like yoke). Zealous ZEL-us. Do not say ZEE-lus Zodiacal zoh-DY-uh-kuul. Zydeco ZY-duh-KOH (rhymes with try to go). (For enquiries, email me at banitawriters (at) writing (dot) com.) |
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