Res Gestae Bar OpsBar examinations will take place in four Sundays of September. Meaning, bar candidates have only few days left to read for nth times their law books and memory aids and say for another nth rounds the mysteries of the Holy Rosary or recite for nth times their novena for the intercession of celestial beings. Starting this Sunday (Sept 4), don't be surprised if prayer offerings will be longer than its usual time slot before the Holy Mass begins. This is the time of the year that families and friends of bar takers, and even the bar takers themselves, acknowledge, with their most conscious state, the existence of the Omnipotent and Omniscient Being. This is the time that even the haughtiest student of law—even him who is labeled as the “Walking Constitution”—humbles himself in the face of the unforeseen and uncertain. Bar examinations are the hardest hurdles in the life of every law students. It is the moment of reckoning! It is the gateway for all law graduates to the highly respectable career – the legal profession! This year, more than a hundred Ilonggo law graduates will take the cudgel after months of intellectual “masturbation” and emotional battering! From this group shall come the next generation of lawyers who will raise the Ilonggos to a higher pedestal. Remember, it has been long enough since an Ilonggo made it in the top 10 of successful Bar examinees. But, it is not far-fetched to think that an Ilonggo will rise above the rest in this year's bar examination. And, why not? Our Law Schools are producing quality graduates who are prepared for the worst. This gives us reason to hope for the best! *** Every law school is busy preparing its respective bar candidates. Every second counts heavily now than it was months ago. And, this is the reason that In Solidum Frasority, a law student council of University of Iloilo, is taking every step to extend its support to its alumni who are taking the bar examinations this month. This activity is referred to as “Bar Ops”. “Bar Ops”, as commonly referred to by law students, is institutionalized in most law schools in Metro Manila. It has been considered as an effective means to boost the morale and confidence of bar takers. Usually, law students and alumni alike are working in a concerted effort to carry out the activities for the success of the bar operations. This is anchored on the social awareness that bar examinations are not the concern solely of bar takers but also the responsibility of every citizen. We are most benefited in every lawyer that the bar produces every year. Thus, we can't just be unmindful and indifferent in the unfolding of the new breed of legal minds. On this bar examinations, the In Solidum Frasority is planning to send groups of students and professors to constitute as bar operators. These groups will assist the ISF alumni in the last two crucial days prior to each Sunday of examination. They will facilitate the conduct of lectures, celebration of Holy Mass, and do other things to ease the strain and fears that ordinarily the bar takers are succumbed with. In this undertaking, the ISF needs support and cooperation of benevolent Ilonggos or any concerned citizen for that matter. Thus, should you be willing to pledge financial contribution for this project, you may coordinate with the following ISF officers: Rexter Tupas (Pres) – 09193811858; Ryan Avelino (V-Pres) – 09275022236; Ma. Elissa Isagan (Treas) - 09209202056; Eleanor Sherry Aguilar (Bus. Mngr) – 09062724160; Shiela Delos Santos (P.R.O) – 09195870202. (The writer may be reached thru rogatepnp@yahoo.com or 09193161190.) |