Living with the poor
Rev. Fr. Moises Tacardon is also the
Pastoral Director od SVFS. He is the
formator of the Special Philosophy
Program of the seminary. The Special
Philosophy is a program for men who
haven't undergone seminary formation
but what to become apriests.
Even how optimistic we are we know that life is not always a bed of roses. That today is much happier or sadder than tomorrow. Like the first sentence in M.Scott Peck's book 'The Road Less Traveled', he said: 'Life is difficult.' Some may agree or not with it, but life will be difficult or light as what we want - we only have to choose. With these choices, life becomes better or worst. Like Rev. Fr. Moises Tacardon's experience living with the poor of San Lorenzo, Lapaz. 'Life in the seminary is much better, but there are things in this community that you'll be learning - soon you get used and eventually love what you're doing.'
The community
San Lorenzo, Lapaz is made up of seven barangays:San Isidro, Jinactacan, Kaingin, Ingore, Baldoza, Banuyao and Ticud. One would easily feel the simplicity in the area just like any community. It has infrastructures which one could tell is progressive. The streets are good, electricity and water are not a problem. No one would say behind these structures lies a depressing reality. A reality that the residents may have a house but lack financial stability for their family, children who are supposed to be in school but are in the streets selling something for living. A parish with only 25 parishioners out of its 20,000 population. There are drugs everywhere, that at times young kids are made as runners for the pushers or even their parents.
San Lorenzo is a place of survival. And survival happens when we don't have a choice. Then we find ways to fill in what we need or lack. And whatever or whichever ways we make, it doesn't matter as long as we endure it. This is so true to our nature as humans. In the little things or in our everyday life, we are all struggling to survive, to be liberated or resolved from our present situations. San Lorenzo may be described as the poorest of the poor - but these people continue to live. Battling their way up for a better life.
Being poor may mean lacking material things, deprived of a need or absence of spiritual formation. San Lorenzo may have all these, but it's never too late for change. The pessimists may say 'I can't' while the optimists will say 'I can'. For San Lorenzo, there's a chance. As what Fr. Tacardon says: 'If they are given the chance, given the right opportunities - they will not be the poor we think they are.'
In San Lorenzo, those who had the chance study harder than the rest. For them, it is hope - and that it will alleviate them. The area may present all faces of poverty, it may have all the problems of society but they have the chance. A chance to have a better life, a different view of life from what they think. And we are their chances in our extension of hearts and in understanding them. Like the saying, 'No one is too poor not to give and no one is rich enough not to need anything.'
The community is also an immersion site of St. Vincent Ferrer Seminary (SVFS). The seminarians are to live and learn life with them. These seminarians made a difference in the little time they share with them, in understanding them, in reaching out and even in being with them.
As the priest in charge, Fr. Moises believes that these people need our love, our kindness and deep faith for them to have a good life. Rev. Fr. Moises Tacardon is also the Pastoral Director of SVFS. He is the formator of the Special PhilosophyProgram of the seminary. The Special Philosophy is a program for men who haven't undergone seminary formation but want to become priests.