The Fullness of Life
Unifying center
A basic problem we all encounter in life is the constant fragmentation of the self, we experience constant divisions from within. It is, in fact, this division within us which causes divisions in the family, the community, and consequently, the whole nation and the whole world.
We can attain unity, integration and peace within by gathering our faculties toward a single focal point, or unifying center, which will be the very object and inspiration of our whole life and being. This unifying center has to be bigger than anything which is temporal and finite, or else it can never fully satisfy the infinite yearning of the human heart. In other words, this Unifying Center has to be God Himself because the human heart has a limitless need for fulfillment which God alone can fill.
Unless we set our heart on God, we can never be at peace. As St. Augustine expressed it, "Our heart is restless till it rests in Thee..." The constant invitation of our Lord Jesus, God and Man, is worth repeating: "Come to Me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." "If our whole life and being is truly centered on Him, we must necessarily return to Him every time we drift away from Him."
The ultimate source and model of unity, we must remember, is God Himself. In God there are three divine Persons who are so united and inseparable that in the mystery of this unity there is only ONE GOD. The Eternal Father loves the Son from eternity to eternity and the Son similarly loves the Father with the same perfect love, and this Love between the Father and the Son is the Holy Spirit. That is why Scriptures also tell us that "God is Love." Consequently, we can only enjoy true unity within ourselves and with others and the whole creation by your return to God, our Unifying Center.
The days from January 18-25 are dedicated to prayer for Christian unity. Let us join Pope Benedict XVI and the whole church in praying for this much needed unity among all Christians and among all men and women of good will.