Res Gestae
Wake up call
This country is becoming a haven for drug smugglers?!? None of us may believe it but the report of the US State Department recently said that illegal drug trade in the Philippines had evolved into a billion dollar industry. Couldn't that be enough reason to declare again a national "state of emergency"? Labeling this country a drug smuggler's paradise may not ignite mass rally to oust President Arroyo, but it will surely worsen our economy. Such revelation will indubitably shy away well-meaning investors! Thus, if intelligence reports of coup attempts suffice for Proclamation 1017, Malacañan must also take immediate and drastic response in view of the said US State report. We can't wait until this country becomes the drug capital in Asia to move!
It was also averred in the said report that illegal drugs enter the Philippines through seaports, economic zones, and airports. Well, it cannot be denied that, with the 36,200 kilometers of coastline and over 7,000 islands, the Philippines is more accessible for drug smugglers. How the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency does its mandate could be another waterloo!
The report, however, may appear unfair considering that authorities continue its drive to dismantle drug laboratories, arrest and convict traffickers and have heavily constricted the supply of illegal drugs on the streets. As Secretary Bunye said "the report calling the Philippines a drug smuggler's haven is stretching it too far." However, either it is an exaggeration or not, is there really a need for Malacañan to pose good-to-be-true defenses?
There had been reported raids of drug laboratories, demolishing of drug market, neutralization of drug gangs and personalities, but would these be enough to take lightly, if not for granted, the report that indeed illegal drug trade is gaining stronger ground in our land? I can understand that, as this country still struggles to save its peso amidst the seemingly unending political turmoil, admitting that it becomes a haven for drug smugglers will only make the situation worse! We need to attract investors but we also have not to resort to concealing the threats that await them here. We have to attract investors but at the same time give them assurance that the Philippines is a safe place to work, live, invest and do business. Thus, getting rid of illegal drugs and other threats to peace and order can give investors the guarantee that they are at the right place to do their business.
The US State report may not be pleasing to our ears. However, such must not disappoint us instead propel us - meaning, not only the authorities but ALL of us Filipinos - to combat illegal drugs. We have to be thankful that somebody has called out our attention. It is an indication that someone out there still cares for us. The question is, do we really care for country... for ourselves... and for the future? Let's wake up until it's too late!
(Send your comments and suggestion to rogatepnp@yahoo.com or text to 09193161190.)