Solon to Igbaras officials: Let's stop finger-pointing
Iloilo First District Rep. Janette Garin called on the people of Igbaras not to blame the national government for not having constructed a bridge in Songsongon, Barasan, site of the tragic accident which caused the death of 22 people and 19 others missing.
Instead, Garin challenged the Igbarasnons to check if their local officials have made requests for the construction of the bridge in the area before.
The lady solon noted that she has not learned of any request to put up a bridge in Songsongon even when she was still a provincial board member.
Garin made the reaction following the mass burial of 12 out of 22 casualties last Sunday where municipal government employees wore black shirts printed with the following words: "Construct a bridge now!"
Garin said the municipal employees seemed to send a message that the government has been neglecting Songsongon eversince.
Garin clarified that the road along Songsongon is not a national road reason why it is difficult to look for funds for the construction of a bridge to replace the existing overflow.
However, she said the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) First Engineering District has been maintaining the overflow which serves as the sole link of the eleven upland barangays to the town proper.
Engr. Edgar Tabacon, district engineer of the First Engineering District, confirmed that they haven't received any request from the local government unit (LGU) of Igbaras relative to the plan to put up a bridge in Songsongon.
Tabacon said constructing a bridge in Songsongon would cost some P50 million.
Garin, on the other hand, said that she has been lobbying with top officials to have a bridge constructed in Songsongon but admitted it would still take some time.
Amid the mourning of those whose families were involved in the tragedy, Garin called on the officials of Igbaras led by Mayor James Esmeralda not to capitalize on the tragedy to further their political interests.
She said there is no need for finger-pointing, instead they should work together to realize their dream of having a bridge in Songsongon.
She called on the people to just take precautions in crossing the overflow if the water level is very high and to forgo crossing the river if the current is strong to avoid incidents leading to further loss of lives.
Garin likewise called on the residents living near the Songsongon overflow to remove the debris clogging the box culverts so the water could flow directly.