Anything Under the Sun
Follow Christ, our Leader (1)
(Excerpts from the speech of this writer during the installation of the Charter Officers of SK Alfonso V. Sirislan, Assembly of the Fourth Degree of the Knights of Columbus at Santa Barbara, Iloilo last October 21).
Our Leader is Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is simply very fitting that on this very first day of our new Assembly, let us be fully aware of some leadership principles that He Himself applied while still on this earth.
Please let me express these principles in "Four P's".
The first "P" is PURPOSE. When Jesus came down to earth from Heaven, He had already a very clear idea of His purpose -- to redeem man kind from sin.
For us, what is our purpose as Knights of Columbus? It is answered by our Vision-Mission Statement. In brief, our Vision is an organization of Catholic gentlemen under One Supreme God. Our Mission is to love God and fellowmen. Knowing our purpose is simple applying that leadership rule of Know Thyself.
Indeed, we will never be successful if we do not know our purpose. We will be like a ship without a rudder in the middle of the ocean drifting from left to right wherever the winds and the waves bring us -- without a definite destination.
Hence, whenever we have project, our chief question will be Will this serve God and fellowmen? If no -- forget it. If yes -- go ahead with it.
Our second "P" is PLANNING. We always speak of Divine Plan and Jesus is very much involve in it. He had planned when He would be born, live and die here on earth and return to Heaven. Lastly, he planned when he will return to Earth to judge the living and the dead.
So, we should also plan our work as manifested in our various projects. Of projects, let us be ever reminded that our Order is the arm of the Church. (To be continued)