Anything Under the Sun
Follow Christ, our leader (2)
(Continuation of the excerpts from the speech of this writer during the installation of the Charter Officers of SK Alfonso V. Sirislan, Assembly of the Fourth Degree of the Knights of Columbus at Santa Barbara, Iloilo last October 21.)
So, we should also plan our work as manifested in our various projects. Of projects, let us be ever reminded that our Order is the arm of the Church. In the parish, the parish priest is the boss. He has already a master plan of his parish.
It is therefore, our duty to have our own projects fit in that master plan. To deviate from this master plan is create some misunderstandings between us and our parish priests.
The parish priest is expected to stick to his master plan. After all, he is responsible to the bishop, to the Pope and to God for whatever happens to the souls in his parish--and not we. This reminds of our Order's motto some year's ago--In Solidarity with the Priests.
Our third "P" is PATIENCE. Once "we plan our work", the next thing we should do is, "work our plan". Otherwise, our plan will remain a plan in our imagination for years to come.
In working our plan, we will meet problems and difficulties, here an there. Be not afraid--exhorts Pope John Paul. Let us "dare to do what we dare to dream."
Jesus had taught us patience throughout His stay here on earth. He subjected Himself to the usual course and stages of human life--to be conceived and born, to be reared from infancy to adulthood and to suffer His passion and death on the Cross. All these in utmost patience for around thirty years!
Instead of undergoing these suffering with patience, Jesus could have simply descended from Heaven in His awesome splendor and proclaim that He is the son of God! But why? Most certainly, to teach us patience.