Anything Under the Sun
Follow Christ, our Leader (3)
(Continuation of the excerpts from the speech of this writer during the installation of the Charter Officers of SK Alfonso V. Sirislan, Assembly of the Fourth Degree of the Knights of Columbus at Santa Barbara, Iloilo last October 21, 2006.)
Going back to the problems – Remember, God is all-just. He will not give us problems without giving us corresponding solution to them.
However, sometimes we are about to reach the limit of our patience when our elbows and knees are already bruised with much work and yet no solution is in sight.
Here our last "P" comes to our rescue. It is PRAYER. When Jesus had some very important thing to do, He prayed before doing it. Before He started His public ministry, He prayed in the desert for forty days and was at times tempted by the devil.
Before He chose His twelve apostles, he went to the hills to pray. And before His passion and Death on the Cross, He prayed for hours in the Garden of Gethsemane, sweating blood in the process.
So, in facing our problems in our Assembly, let us pray. I do not need to tell you of the great power of prayer. Certainly in some points of your lives, you have experienced that prayer can really move mountains.
One thing about prayer. All prayers are answered. The answers may be Yes, Not now or even No. Indeed, - No is also an answer to our prayer.
Lastly, it has been said that: All the armies that ever marched, all the navies that ever sailed, all the parliaments that ever sat, and all the kings that ever reigned – all these put together have not affected the life of man on earth as much as Our Supreme Leader and King, Jesus Christ, the greatest Leader of all world ever has.