New Year ruminations and declarations
The curtain has finally descended on the year 2006 and as a way of ending the year right, I would like to take a bow and a curtsy too if I may. I'd like to thank God and all you family and friends of mine for making the past year a truly unforgettable one. Whew, what a year it has been!
A year of many firsts and lasts, 2006 has been a mixture of triumphs, failures, joys, and pains -- definitely a great year for perfecting the art of ranting and raving, griping and sniping, and wreaking havoc to unsuspecting (but deserving -- well, at least for me) city-folks. Seriously though, 2006 was nothing but humdrum and boring for me. It was riddled with life changing decisions, major realizations and new beginnings.
I don't really want to go into the nitty-gritty, but I think that I've managed to make a lot of personal as well as career achievements last year, have gained new friends (not pounds, thank God), strengthened old relationships and friendships, and have finally taken the first few steps on that 5-year plan I've been putting off for years now -- yippee! For the bitchy part, 2006 was a good year for junking useless associations with people running dubious organizations and for keeping my cool in spite and amidst a jet-spray of stupidity that attempted to bedraggle my (er, unsullied?) reputation. A word of advice, before you spray, check your hose for bad grammar, I mean, for bad leaks or you'll end up with a pfft instead of a whoosh.
Before I sink further into the quagmire of bitchiness, I would just like to say thank you to my friends, my colleagues, my clients, my family, and to all of you who continue to believe in me and my talent (enough to hire me for your projects, enough to consider me as your friend, enough to show me kindness and respect, enough to read me). Thank you for bearing with me all these years and for knowing that my sense of loyalty is as boundless as yours has been for me.
And now for the drama (indulge me, this only happens once a year), I would like to mention a few people who have always been there for me, who have guided, influenced and helped me in my personal and professional life, my writing career, and have contributed to the odds and ends that make up my so-called life: Of course, to my husband who knows the true meaning of "psycho", having lived with me for years now -- thank you for your patience and unconditional love; my kids, Zach and Ripley -- both of you are my inspiration and my joy; my parents (words are not enough Ma and Pa to say it all) and all my siblings, especially Cecille (my one and only sister) and Noli (my awesome brother); all my relatives, especially to my Tito Ed and Tita May for the words of wisdom; my mom, sister and brothers-in-law; Leo, my other brother-in-law for your generosity; our yayas and helpers at home for taking care of my kids and who have all become a part of our family; my friend Aldrich and our marathon talks about the good, the bad and the fugly; the Mad 4: Georginna (we are literally friends through thick and thin), Maroo (for unfailingly reading Serendipity online in San Fo), Carmela (for not bringing a camera every time we go to Soho), and Dawn (for your disappearing acts); Zernalyn, for being my shrink when I was in NJ; my UP Sigma Delta Phi kabatches and sisters for keeping the fires of sisterhood burning through all these years; Eric, my fabulous friend and designer; Jasmine for your positive nature; Marichel and the three other TNT bosses for once again entrusting the yearbook to me; the TNT family especially to editor Erly (I challenge all of you to a P10 karaoke rematch!); my fellow ramp models (yes, there's only one El Presidente) and designers (Nong Roy, Bo C., Claire, Grace), make-up artists (especially to Pepoy for all the freebie make-up), photographers (Nong James for all the beautiful photos); those I've worked with: my ex-officemates, clients, event partners and organizers; my Assumption and UP batchmates, friends and schoolmates; my contemporaries and fellow writers (down with pseudo-writers who claim to have the passion for our craft but end up bastardizing it with bad grammar and bad intentions!); my literary icons (Dalisay and Irving just to name a few); all those I might have forgotten to mention here but have become a positive force in my life; and those who love to read Serendipity as much as I love writing it -- Thank you! You have not only made my 2006 great, but have made the past years meaningful for me. From the bottom of my bitchy but big heart -- I will always be grateful!
Have a wonderful and prosperous 2007 to everyone!