Remembering Don Rosendo Mejica

Don Rosendo Mejica
Our grandfather, Ramon L. Lagos, Sr., a local historian always remind us (his granddaughters), to build a good name not only for ourselves but for the family as well. According to him, "A good name is better than gold." At a very young age, I ponder upon his lines and I began to question his thinking and philosophy of having a good name. What is in the name that people should give importance to? Or live-up to? But as the years passed by, I began to realize the significance of my grandfather's statement with regard to having a good name. My great, great grandmother, Nazaria L. Lagos, a national heroine risked her life for the love of her fellow Filipino and for her country the Philippines. Because of her courage and patriotism, she became a hero. According to a Philippine president, "Any nation which does not honor its heroes cannot survive." Heroes are born and then they die. But after all that they have done for our country, no one ever remembered their heroic past. What a pity.
As I was scanning the pages of the book entitled, Nazaria L. Lagos, National Heroine, written by my grandfather, Ramon L. Lagos Sr., a local historian, I saw a booklet inserted inside the old hardbound book. That booklet was about a special convocation in honor of an outstanding Ilonggo journalist, editor-publisher, civic leader and public official, Don Rosendo Mejica. As I continue reading that booklet, I was deeply moved by his life and thus I decided to write about him.
"A good tree produces good fruit." The same is depicted in the life of Don Rosendo Mejica, a father, a very good journalist and a leader.
Don Rosendo Mejica was born in Baluarte, Molo, Iloilo City on March 1, 1873. This month marks the 134th birthday of this best known journalist in Iloilo City. He came from a very humble and simple family. During his school days, he worked hard inorder to save money for his education. His determination to get an education was his stepping stone in achieving his goals in life. Thus in 1896, he was able to receive the degree of Perito Mercantil Escuela Profesional de Artes y Oficios in Iloilo City. He was considered as the First Professional of Baluarte. Tio Sendo, as Mejica was fondly called, became a bookkeeper for big firms here in Iloilo, as well as, in Bacolod. Under the American regime, Tio Sendo, was given a license as a certified public accountant, the very first in Iloilo. In 1902, he was also named the first Municipal Treasurer of Bacolod. Mejica could have stayed in the government service but because of his love to his fellow Ilonggos, he preferred to return to Iloilo and establish a school for the children of his community. In 1905, he founded the Baluarte Elementary School. He eventually organized an association called "Mga Baybayanon". The association mobilized the civic spirit of the people of Molo to raise and contribute money for the construction of the school. The school was the first public school building put up in the Philippines under the American rule. During those times, the government did not start building schools until after the passage of the Gabaldon Act 1907 which appropriated funds for that purpose. Indeed, Tio Sendo's involvement in civic work opened the heart of the new generation to be more open, sensitive and loving to their fellowmen; thus helping them realize their respective potentials in achieving their place in the society. Don Rosendo Mejica will forever be remembered as a best known journalist. During his early years as a writer, he started writing in 1899 for the earliest newspapers in Bacolod, La Libertad and Kabugwason and later for periodicals in Iloilo. In 1913, he founded and edited his own paper, Makinaugalingon, which became the longest existing Ilonggo publication from 1913 to 1946. In 1915, he established the Almanake sang Makinaugalingon which survived until 1953. Makinaugalingon had a printing press and Tio Sendo published many works of several Ilonggo writers. In 1906, Mejica joined politics and was elected as Councilor of Iloilo. He was reelected every election until 1936, thereby giving the longest period of service ever made by any Iloilo City Councilor. During his term as city councilor, Mejica sponsored many projects, among which were the construction of Molo Boulevard and the City Hall (now the main building of UP in the Visayas). Tio Sendo's love and concern for the education of the young was so great. Not only that, Tio Sendo has also concern for the laboring class. Thus, in 1914, he organized and headed a labor union in Iloilo. Eventually, he served as the First President of "Union Obrera." Don Rosendo Mejica's love for this country is worthy of praise. In his writing, he advocated nationalism. He even translated the novels of Rizal into Hiligaynon and published them together with translations of some works of Del Pilar and Lopez Jaena. He also authored ordinances that named streets in Iloilo in honor of Great Ilonggos and Filipino heroes.
The Iloilo Press Club, considered as the oldest existing press club in the country, honored Mejica as Dean of Visayan Journalists. He was also recognized as the Dean of Municipal Councilors of Iloilo. His name will forever be remembered from generation to generation. His contribution not only made part to the history of Iloilo but also that of our country. The life, works and writings of Tio Sendo is a very good example to the youth of today. He is not only a model to his fellow journalists but to businessmen and politicians as well. His humble beginnings made him great. And his determination to learn more and save for the future made him successful in his chosen field.
Lastly, let me quote what President Elpidio Quirino said during his visit here in Iloilo sometime in 1948, he said: "The elevation of the standards of any profession is mainly dependent on the sense of ethics and propriety of the practicing professional themselves. I am glad to note that the journalists of Iloilo are apparently embarking on the most important task of guiding their fellow professionals along the path of constructive activities."