IKCI holds quadruple dog shows

Best in Show winners in the 85th competition with
their owners and officers of the IKCI
DOG breeders and dog show hobbyists trooped to the PNB Multipurpose Hall last March 3 and 4 for the 83rd, 84th, 85th and 86th All-Breed Championship Dog Shows.
The Iloilo Kennel Club Inc (IKCI), an affiliate of the Philippine Canine Club Inc. (PCCI) hosted the four shows with the support of Royal Canin and Shieldgard.

Best in Show winners in the 86th competition with
their owners and officers of the IKCI
The country's top dog show judges were invited. They were Robert Dawson, Dr. Jose Mendiola Jr., Ronnie Natividad and Simon Sim. There was one judge per show. Dawson provided a ring steward seminar for the hobbyists on the evening of March 3.

WINNERS. Under Natividad, the Best in Show winner was Philippine Grand Champion Barcken of Chosen, a miniature pinscher owned by Agnes Locsin. Under Mendiola, the Best in Show winner was Philippine Grand Champion Toy Farm's Bid Daddy, a miniature pinscher owned by Jong Grabato and Cherrie Gold Cajindig. Under Sim, the Best in Show winner was Philippine Champion Basia of Bitwood, a german shepherd owned by Guimaras Gov. Rahman Nava. Under Dawson, the Best in Show winner was Yuma Vom Pendler, a german shepherd owned by Juan Locsin.

Labrador entries
TOP DOGS. The top dogs for 2006 were also announced. They are Philippine Grand Champion (Phil Gr Ch) Scar Von Vierhundert Hertz of Gov. Nava and Bernard Reyes, Phil Ch Haiko Von Der Bildeich-Quelle of Jong Grabato, Phil Hall of Fame (HOF) Asawood's Irish of Ariel Tee, Phil Ch Vox Bono Vom Ersten Platz of Ernie Poral and Zinon Setias, Phil Gr Ch X-cellence Phenomenon of Dennis and Barbara Tan, Phil Ch Sunnyside Miranda Law of Atty. Samson Tan, Phil Gr Ch Ramrod's Devil D of Helen Chua, Phil HOF/American Ch Cambria's Captain Courageous of Harold Go and Ian Manuel Lo, Phil Gr Ch Toy Farm's Big Fat Liar of Ireneo Grabato and Cherie Gold Cajandig and Phil Ch Spiker's Lucky Stryk of Edgar King.

Beagle entry from Bacolod
* A dog starts winning championship points when it is adjudged Winners Dog or Winners bitch or Best of Winners. The maximum and minimum number of points a dog can win in a breed competition is five points and one point respectively and points are awarded on the basis of a scale depending upon the number of dogs in competition.

* To become a CHAMPION, a dog needs 15 points won under at least three different judges. Among these 15 points must be two majors (a win of three or more points) each taken under a different judge.

* To become a GRAND CHAMPION, a dog needs 25 points after its championship, won under at least five different judges. Among these 25 points there must be at least three major (a win of three or more points) each taken under different judges.
* To become a HALL OF FAME, a dog needs 100 points after its championship and must have won at least five group placements.