Anything Under the Sun
On character change (1)
Instead of charter change, our bishops are for character change. In the circumstances under which our country is now, we are really in need of character change.
But character change is easier said than done. It would take quite a long time for a person to change from bad to good and vice versa. But despite this, for the sake of our country, character change is worth trying.
Our religion has a good recipe for character change. These are the theological virtues- faith, hope and charity. The Spaniards say this as: Fe, Esperanza y caridad.
There virtues are the foundations of Christian moral activity. They are infused by God into the souls of the faithful to make them capable of acting as His children and of meriting eternal life.
Faith is a virtue by which we believe in God because He is Truth. Thus, we believe all that He had revealed and that which the Church proposes for our belief.
The bases of faith are: First, Christ said: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life."
God is Truth and cannot tell a lie.
Second, Christ has mandated the church "to preach the Gospel of God to all men". this is called the Magisterium of the Church -- authority of the Church to teach. Because of this, we are bound to believe the teachings of the Church.
Here are some food for thoughts on faith:
When President Harry S. Truman was asked how he could watch a great nation like the United States when he is asleep. He answered: "Before I sleep I pray to God to watch the United States."
He who trusts in himself alone is lost. He who trusts in God can do all things. -- St. Alphonsus Ligouri
When you face God in prayer, become in you thoughts like a speechless babe.-- St. Isaak of Syria
It is ours to offer what we can; His, to supply what we cannot. -- St. Jerome
Entire conformity and resignation to the divine will is truly a road which we cannot go wrong. -- St. Philip Neri.
No one is safer by his own strength but he is safe by the grace and mercy of God. -- St. Cyprus
The opposite of faith is doubt. After Apostle Thomas was convinced of the risen Christ having actually seen and touched the wounds of Jesus. Jesus said: "Blessed are those who believed but more blessed are those who have not seen but believe."
We must belong to the latter.