Unusual Channel
More than amazing
It's Monday morning and I am looking forward to a great week ahead; the aroma of my coffee and my TNT paper set the mood for a good start. Seated, I opened my TNT and started reading. I would usually start with the headlines then the columns. One of the columns immediately caught my eye and it is because of one reason... the word GOD! I read through the article and found it really interesting. Interesting enough that I was inspired to write something about it. Thanks to my fellow columnist Bryan. The title of the article quite struck me, "How do we talk about God?" (TNT, April 30, 2007) I used to ask that question before. Right after my very first personal encounter with God through a Life in the Spirit Seminar, I asked myself that question. I asked myself something like... now that I have personally encountered Him, how do I start talking about God to people whom I want to have the same experience as I had? I had a lot of ideas but nothing seem to fit. Nothing seemed to fit because I also had a lot of fears. I feared being tagged as "preaching"; I feared being laughed at and told something like, "ay naano na siya? Na possess?" I feared being called "weird". I had fears, period! It's pride, actually. I was so concerned how people would react to me and what they will say.
Despite my experience during the LSS (it was wonderful, by the way), I didn't really know how to talk about God. At that moment, I felt stupid because for one, I know myself. I can talk about anything under the sun just bring it on but at that moment I felt stupid, gagged, like my brain was blocked totally of words. Nothing! And then, I realized later God was trying to tell me something. He wanted me to feel less of myself and more of Him. He wanted me to humble myself because He knows I am the arrogant, proud, intelligent talkative person that I was. He knows I was using that intelligence in a wrong way. And so, wapang! It came as a slap. I didn't know anything! As fast as the realization of being arrogant and proud happened, the realization of God's message to teach me humility came soon after. Like lightning, it hit me that little by little God was changing me into something else... someone else.
I committed myself to Him by serving Him through the BLD (Bukas Loob Sa Diyos) community. And the turning point of my commitment to Him was when I accepted Jesus as my personal God and Savior. And then that was when I started talking openly about Him. No inhibitions! No qualms! No hesitation and most of all, no fear! To other people, I may look a fool but I don't mind being a fool for God. I was still proud alright but I was so proud to proclaim Him as my only LOVE! No one touched my heart like He did. I fell in love and I am hooked forever. Like in one song I like, "There is none like You". My life now revolves around God, my husband, my children and the BLD community. I don't mind not having a career. I don't mind not having friends from high places, I don't mind not having material possessions. Honestly, I don't care! All I care about is to be able to praise and serve Him. His amazing grace saved me from being a sinner. I am still a sinner but with my Lord and Savior who constantly leads me to His path, I know someday I will be totally saved and healed. "I was once lost but now I am found, was once blind but now I see!" It's a favorite line from a song too that became part of my life with God.
Two weeks ago, I had to write a prayer about how faith is manifested in us. That was not easy, I thought to myself. Oh well, I realized and I know I can't do it alone. Not with my own capabilities. Not even with nature's given talents, not even with my being an accidental writer, not even with all the research materials in front of me and not even the inspiration I was trying to find. I felt nothing, I knew I am nothing until I surrendered to Him and lift it up to Him my task. And so I did! As usual, He is more than amazing because He made His presence felt. To make the long story short, I finished my prayer and how does faith manifest in us? We know faith is working in us when we open ourselves to renewal, to forgiveness and to accept that Jesus is our God and Savior.
My search for inner peace is over. When I am with Him, there is peace, there is joy and there is only eternal love. How can I miss? He is amazing, more than amazing! How do I talk about God? It's easy, I will start on how he worked on me. How about you? When do you want to talk about God?
"The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe" (Proverbs 18:10)
I would like to greet a very good friend a happy, happy Birthday in advance. Happy Birthday, Val! May God bless you with more birthdays for you have continuously and tirelessly serve Him with all your heart. You will always be an inspiration to us. Also, I would like to invite all singles out there, age 20 to 40 years old to join our BLD Jaro Singles Encounter Weekend #5 this May 5-6, 2007 (Saturday and Sunday). It will be held at the St Clements Retreat House. For registration, please call (033) 3212166 or text (0918) 4234799 or (0920) 9284684 and look for Ian or Jen.
(For your comments please email me at rbuy1028@gmail.com)