Health @ Heart
From snoring, to avocado, to yogurt
(Part One)
Does singing lessen snoring?
Yes, according to a study at the University in Exeter England. Singing, or attempts at singing, help tone the flabby muscles of our upper airways, the soft palate, in particular. Singing exercises for 20 minutes a day appear do the trick, says this report. However, it is prudent to check with your physician if you are a snorer, to rule out sleep apnea (a condition where the person stops breathing for an unsafe length of time while asleep) or other medical conditions that need treatment. Belting out a few songs off key everyday in the family room or in the shower might annoy your house mate, but it will at least please her in bed every night when you snore less.
Does a person snore more after sex?
Studies show that people who snore (more so among men) snore more and louder after sex. Following the act, the partners, especially the male, who is usually the more dominant one, gets so tired, relaxed and sleepy. When this happens, the body as a whole (and the upper airway muscles in particular) become relax and "flabby" that the breathing causes exaggerated vibration of the soft palate and uvula, resulting in louder snores. Sex does not cause snoring among those who do not snore.
How much Vitamin E do we need?
Vitamin E, a potent antioxidant, increases the level of cytokines in our body. Cytokines are chemical messengers that turn on various immune system defense mechanisms to protect the body against infection, daily wear and tear and cell damages in our body. The recommended dietary requirement of 400 IU for adults was proposed by the American Medical Association a few years ago. More and more physicians are prescribing, and themselves taking, higher dosage of Vitamin E, between 800 IU to 1000 IU daily. Vitamin E also acts as a mild blood thinner, which is good in retarding hardening of the arteries, a major factor in aging, besides heart attack and stroke.
Is avocado good for our hair?
Avocado is not only used as a fruit shake or for guacamole but also as a hair conditioner. Avocado and its oil are rich in vitamins, essentially fatty acids and minerals and will bring back luster in hair, according to Dee Anna Glaser, M.D., dermatologist at St. Louis University Medical Center. To revive dull hair, get a very ripe avocado, remove the pit, mash the flesh well, wash your hair, and massage the pulp into wet hair for 5 minutes, making the fruit oil penetrate the follicles. Cover hair in plastic wrap for about 60 minutes and rinse several times until pulp is washed out of the hair. Can be done once a week for damaged hair, and once a month for healthier hair.
Is a high-fiber diet really good for us?
Researchers found that diet high in fiber (wheat, bran, grains, oatmeal, fruits and vegetables) is good for our body in more ways than one. It reduces our risk for heart attack and stroke, and also the risk of colorectal cancer. High saturated fat diet (red meat, eggs, dairy products, etc), on the other hand, increases our risk for those ailments above, including cancer of the colon and rectum. The suggested daily requirement of fiber is 20 to 35 grams. High fiber breakfast cereals (wheat, oat meal, bran) provide about 35 to 46 grams per 3 ½ ounces. All the flakes (cornflakes, rice flakes, etc) and other sweet carbo-rich cereals are not high fiber, and therefore, not recommended for us or our youngsters. (To be continued next Friday)
The main objective of this column is to educate and inspire people to live a healthier lifestyle to prevent illnesses and disabilities, and achieve a happier and more productive life. Any diagnosis, recommendation or treatment in our article are general medical information and not intended to be applicable or appropriate for anyone. This column is not a substitute for your physician, who knows your condition well and who is your best ally when it comes to your health.
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Dr. Philip S. Chua is Cardiac Surgeon Emeritus based in Northwest Indiana and Las Vegas, Nevada, and is the Chairman of Cardiovascular Surgery of the Cebu Doctors' University Hospital in Cebu City. He is also the Vice-President for Far East Operations of the Cardiovascular Hospitals of America, a hospital builder in Wichita, Kansas. His health column appears in 8 newspapers (4 in the United States and 4 in the Philippines), 3 magazines, and 9 websites on the internet. His email address is scalpelpen@gmail.com