Dos por Dos

Arnold Almacen, Teresita Rosales and Ed Defensor
judging the photographs
Symbols of social, religious and political thoughts are captured in the artworks of Joey Isturis. He is one of the most prolific Ilonggo artists who has exhibited here and in Manila since 1991.
Concave and convex figures, realistic found-objects are broken into shapes and entrapped unto the surface to create a tablature.
“Martsa Una and Dos” declares the perception, awareness and anticipation of people with regard to events that may affect, directly or indirectly, their lives.
In “Casa Blanco,” emotional attachment is presented. Primarily, the artwork depicts the struggles of women caught in hopeless situations.
The themes of “Anting-anting” and “Orasyon” are religious in nature, exemplifying traditional practices and events handled down through generations.
“Exodus” is a presentation of the people's aspiration for a better life.
“Peace Talk” captures the continuing struggle of people to attain harmony.
All these ideas as shown in the artworks are physical realities in the environment where people and nature interact sensually.
His other works are Exodus, Siesta, Babayi, Bayle, Him, Woman, Gypsy, Lesson 102, Lapida, Kings, Totem, Unod, Dreamscape, Bahay Kubo, Bayle and Fisherman.