Consumers Domain
Glimmer of Hope
"Where there is no hope, there can be no endeavor."
Looking at the results of the recent elections, I can say there is a glimmer of hope in the Filipino nation. As of today's numbers, at least nine in the magic 12 senators are not administration candidates. In the latest Comelec tally that I checked the score is 8-2-2, eight belong to the GO party, two from independent and two from the administration-backed TU.
This is by itself equivalent to a vote of no confidence to the current corrupt administration -- a government headed by a president whose mandate simply came from a fellow named Garci. It is still fresh in our memory how Gloria Arroyo and her cohorts in the Lower House suppressed the truth by killing the impeachment proceedings in Congress.
Despite the Filipinos reluctance to march out in the streets to protest Arroyo's fraud and corrupt practices, this election results manifest the stand of the majority who are fed up. This simply shows that in the face of the massive cover up of Arroyo's cheating operations as described in her famous recorded conversations, the Filipinos still manage to put the message across -- that we do not support cheaters.
Though this is short of the anger I expect from a nation oppressed by a fake president, I nevertheless say this is a significant spark. A flicker that I hope will never die but grow into a blaze that will light up the Filipinos' consciousness.
What makes it more amazing is that this is the outcome notwithstanding the cheating machinery of Malacañang! Let us keep in mind that the TU party has in its disposal the machinery and connections built by Arroyo with the help of the infamous Garci, not to mention the resources from the Office of the President.
And what makes this election results even more remarkable is that Antonio Trillanes is part of the magic 12 senators! Despite his big limitation to launch a campaign (it's hard to organize a miting de avanse inside a prison cell!), Trillanes was able to capture the hearts and minds of the Filipinos.
Trillanes is the epitome of a non-trapo candidate who never wavered in his convictions. He would rather be confined to his cell rather than lick the ass of Arroyo as what his other Oakwood comrades did. Trillanes never bargained his freedom for the truth and his continued call for fundamental reforms in the system. And the people rewarded him with their votes.
Indeed, Trillanes' spectacular showing is another major slap in the face of Malacañang. It is a reversal of what this government would like the people to view the leaders of the failed oakwood mutiny. The Filipinos, after all, still value bravery, honesty and sacrifice.
This for me is a historic event -- a positive one amidst the sorry state of the Filipino nation. A glimmer of hope…
(Send your comments and reactions to: for text messages to 0919-348-6337; for e-mails to ianseruelo@yahoo.com; and for blogs to http://consumersdomain.blogspot.com.)