Anything Under the Sun
Art triumvirate of Pavia (2)
2. Lamberto R. Hechanova, Jr.
The second of this arts triumvirate of Pavia is Lamberto R. Ledesma, Jr. He was practically not known in Iloilo because he transferred as a child to Silay City.
He engaged in both painting and scuplture. His works were exhibited in the Philippines, United States where he now resides, in Canada and in Europe.
Among his solo exhibits in the Philippines were held in Silay City, Bacolod City, Makati City and Manila. In the United States, he displayed his art works in more than 30 exhibitions in New York City, Pittsburg City, Washington D.C., Cleveland, Ohio, Baltimore, Maryland and in Delaware. In Canada, his works were shown in Ottawa, Alberta, Windsor and Cambridge. In 1969, he presented the Philippines with his works at the Sixth Paris Bienale Art Exhibition in France.
This multi-awarded artist received more than 30 awards and prizes abroad and more than ten national awards in the Philippines.
3. Alberto G. Himalla
The last of the arts triumvirate. His first solo exhibition was at Northern Motors Showroom in Manila in 1966 sponsored by the Philippines Women's University, College of Fine Arts.
This was followed by several others in Manila and in the provinces.
His sculpture style is characterized as “sharp, enclosed in geometric figures, squares of straight lines to centralize a whole finite idea or concept.”
His medium are oil, water color, acrylic and and tempera in abstract form and style. This artist is also less known here because he chose to live in Manila after his graduation from college.