The wedding vows

THE NEWLYWEDS. Ma. Rodinna and Arsenio Laviana, Analyn
and Reynaldo Porras, Sheryl Joy Calinao and Xerxes
Gulmatico, Margarita Santander and Erwin Sillo & Myla and
Joenil Patrimonio
Love is always in the air. No matter who you are and where you are, love strikes you and when it works out, the end result is always a romantic wedding that will signal the start of the couple's life together.
Last July 4, the love of six couple-members of the Association of Disabled Persons, Inc (ADP-I) were sealed in a romantic wedding ceremony at the Saint Joseph Parish Church.

Ma. Rodinna and Arsenio Laviana with
Yzza Lie, the couple's parents, family,
sponsors and friends
This is the second group wedding organized by the ADP-I for its members. The first was in 1991.

Daniel and Irene Jarencio with their
One of the missions of ADP-I is to develop and enhance the spiritual values of its members. There are many coupled members of ADP-I who wanted to get married but have no financial capacity to do so. So, this nuptial was supported by Vice Mayor Jed Patrick Mabilog, Mr. and Mrs. Frio, Mr. and Mrs. Baylen, Steadfast, Dr. Marlyn Convocar, Iloilo Aijay Enterprise and Peter Pestaño.