Anini-y organizes responsible parenting movement
San Jose, Antique -- In compliance to the directive of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to the Department of Health (DOH) and the Commission on Population (Popcom) to formulate and carry out an aggressive and systematic strategy to promote responsible parenting and natural family planning, the Responsible Parenting Movement Team in the Municipality of Anini-y was organized by virtue of Executive Order No. 12, series of 2007.
Primo Ogatis Jr., Officer In Charge Provincial Population Office conducted an orientation on different demographic data and issues in relation to responsible parenting to the members of the movement which are mostly employees of the Municipal Government. "The three major strategies of responsible parenting are 3 years birth spacing, breastfeeding and natural family planning," Ogatis stressed.
Mayor Reynaldo Pollicar during the launching program encouraged members to be active in winning over other people to join the movement to eventually help manage the population growth of the municipality.
To further reach couples in the barangays to join the movement, a responsible parenting and natural family seminar was conducted in Barangays Iba and Butuan, Anini-y recently, attended by more than 20 couples. Among the topics discussed during the seminar are responsible parenting, family relations, home management, fertility awareness, time and financial management and basic stress management.
The Responsible Parenting Movement is in support to the Philippine Population Program aimed to help bring about the needed conditions for every member of society-men and women, the old and young, the people from all walks of life - to be self fulfilled, satisfying and have productive lives.
"We urged local government units to organize the movement in their respective towns to provide people needed information for them to make informed choices and wise decisions regarding important questions in the reproductive life and make them practice responsible parenting," said Ogatis. (Anini-y/PIA)