Langford Place turns one
Langford Anniv
After the announcement that Langford Place is going to have a costume party for its first anniversary celebration, we rummaged through our stuff and the malls to check out what get-up we could produce. When the big night came last Oct. 12, 2007, each one was dressed in Halloween-inspired costume. So, it was an anniversary-cum-Halloween party. Purr was dressed as a fortune teller.
Al and Grace Diwa, owners of Langford Place, are superb chefs. Thus, they delighted us with rounds of hors d'oeuvres and overflowing beer.
The mood was festive as the guests, who happen to be very close to each other, regaled at each other's costume. The place had a Halloween look. There were spiders going up
The Fotune teller & the zombie
and down the ceiling and the place was surrounded with cobwebs. There were miniature monster dolls hanging, too.
It was a truly memorable night. After all, it was also Purr's birthday. Langford, being a second home to me, was the best place to be in during that night. And I got myself an unexpected gift.
Langford Place is located at SM City Iloilo's carpark.
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