
New Dimension
The ABS-CBN Dinagyang Dance Showdown rocks
Hip hop dancing has always amazed Purr. The different street dance styles like harlem style, clowning, gangster walk, grinding, cripping and krumping, among others are, so far the most aggressive to learn yet the most cool to watch. These movements have this appeal not only to the teens but to some of us 80s babes who just can't get enough of dancing and music.
Thus, it was an enjoyable experience to be at the ABS-CBN Dinagyang Dance Showdown held at SM City Iloilo last Dec. 28 and 30, 2007. The December 28 event was the elimination round for groups coming from La Paz, Lapuz and Mandurriao. The December 30 event witnessed the Molo and Arevalo district dancers.

The event was also presented by Councilor Lex Tupas, Ugyon Iloilo and SM City Iloilo. In his speech, the young and dynamicTupas said that he is happy for the success of such event. "This will enhance the talent of the youth." He was thankful that ABS-CBN approached him and broached the project such as this. He was equally thankful for the full support that SM City Iloilo has given. The sponsors were TM Spa Europa, Greenwich, Picture City, Negros Navigation, Pepsi and Alemac Development Corporation.
The dancers were judged according to their originality, costume, performance and overall impact. The judges on December 28 were Romel Flogen, Jacob Confesor and Ben Jimena. On December 30, Lydia Pendon took the place of Ben Jimena while Flogen and Confesor stayed on. One winner was chosen in each district. Those who were chosen and who will compete on the grand finals on Jan. 25, 2008 were Topsy Turvey from La Paz, New Wave Dancers from Mandurriao, Waseda Iloilo from Lapuz, New Dimension Dancers from Arevalo and Christ Deliver Dancers from Molo.
Purr's favorite was Christ Deliver Dancers as they exhibited almost all of the street dancing styles, from old school to the modern grooves.
Hmmm, Councilor Lex said he's got a surprise for everybody on the grand finals. Now, that's something to look forward to.