Friday Night Live!

Standing are Laurence Tato, Fr Manny Uy, Grace Guevara,
Rico Yap the great!, Nelissa Lee, Josephine Ong, Salvador
Manglinong, Joselito Villa, Larry Valderrama and Tata Loring.
Seated are Jenny Avelino, Lon-lon Pelayo-Valderrama,
Christine Carreon, Iris Lim, Richard Diono, Dino Zaldariaga
and John Penafiel.
Retro music and dance steps were the highlights of the Ateneo de Iloilo's Friday Night Live last Jan. 25, 2008. Alumni of the said school, including its very dynamic administrator Fr. Manny Uy, trooped to the Sunset Ballroom of Hotel del Rio to dance to the music dished out by Iloilo's premier DJ Jayvee Villaruz.
For everyone's information, "retro" refers to some aspects in modern times that are reminiscent of the past. At these times, retro music refers to that of the 1980's. It is also called New Wave. At those times, people were dressed as punks or psychedelic. Last January 25, dances that are reminiscent of retro were showcased by dance aficionados. The cabbage patch, the coaster motion, among others were enjoyed by some during that event. After all, it's retro night!