Family bonding through angling

First row shows Alain Vera Cruz and Boy Jucaban; 2nd row,
Bing Custodio, Remalyn Custodio, Ivan Jucaban,
Joshua Jucaban, Carlo Vera Cruz, Kirby Jucaban,
Jun Jucaban and Ericson Gabrillo; and 3rd row,
Nonoy Gila, Bong Sanagustin, Maxie Jucaban,
Porokoy Echarri, Mandrie Malabor, Sosyal Gabrillo and
Bong Tuling
Families had the time of their lives during the 1st Family Bonding Through Angling organized by the Iloilo Game Fishing Association Inc (IGFA) last May 25, 2008 at the Iloilo Strait.
The tournament went smooth throughout the day. The catch was not much nor the sizes of the fishes bigger. But, the only observation of all the participants was that the bond between the parents and the children became stronger.
The 1st Family Bonding Through Angling Tournament proved to be a success even with only few participants. The organizers readily realized that angling as a bonding instrument among parents and children is a very powerful tool considering the atmosphere it provides for better communication.
Surely, a 2nd Family Bonding Through Angling is in the offing. . . . . and the organizers are expecting many participants this time.