Operation Taghoy: Saving a child's face

Rotary Club of Central Iloilo City and
their partner, Uplift International.
The Rotary Club of Central Iloilo City had cleft lip and palate operation at the Western Visayas Medical Center. The project was in cooperation with the Rotary clubs in Iloilo City, WVMC and Uplift International.
There were 35 patients coming from Iloilo City and Province.
Uplift International was founded in 1989 and its focus are the children with facial deformities who are unable to obtain the needed care because they are either too poor to afford the reparative surgery or the needed expertise is unavailable.

Rotary District Governor Emma Nava
gives attention to one of the recipients.
The project's name, Taghoy, is a Filipino word for whistle, which these children could do only after correction of the deformity.
Its modest goal is to give a life-changing gift to children with facial deformities by mending faces, one child at a time.