Nephi Scholastic Learning Center opens

The ribbon cutting with Dr. Carmelo
Ambut, Jun Gustilo, Jude & Dr. Ruby
Sabala, Mayor Adolfo Jaen and
Christopher Barredo.
“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” - Proverbs 22:6
The children of Leganes and nearby areas can now avail of quality prep and kinder education near their locality with the opening of Nephi Scholastic Learning Center recently. It is located at Jardeleza Arcade, Poblacion, Leganes.
The school was designed to adopt to rapidly changing environments that the child faces, like multicultural societies and varied family structures. NSLC's education enables the kid to utilize his or her skills and intelligence in order to meet these challenges with determination and confidence.

Jude Ariel & Dr. Ruby Sabala, school
president, Ricky Clamar, Aries Belle
Buscar and Jun Gustilo.
The school was named after Nephi, a descendant of Joseph who was sold by his brothers in Egypt. The school follows the Friedrich Wilhem August Froebel approach that upholds these principles: recognition of the uniqueness of each child's capacity and potential; a holistic view of each child's development; an ecological view of mankind in the natural world; a recognition of the integrity of childhood in its own right; and a recognition of the child as part of the community.
The school provides a higher standard of education, knowledgeable and appropriately qualified and PRC-licensed teachers, individual and collaborative activity and play, activities that have sense, purpose and meaning for the child, development of children's independence and sense of mastery, building on what children are good at, development of all faculties and abilities of each child – imaginative, creative, linguistic, mathematical, musical, scientific, physical, social, moral, cultural and spiritual, a fully air-conditioned classroom and carpeted floor area and a child-friendly environment.
Indeed, in NSLC, children come first.