Assumption Iloilo’s Community Free Clinic

Assumption Iloilo's PTA.
Love of neighbor. This drives Assumption Iloilo to hold its annual Community Free Clinic, an outreach activity that started in 1995. According to Rene Antonio Tagamolila, president of the the school’s Parent-Teachers Association, they select the beneficiaries for this community-based program. The beneficiary schools for this year were the elementary schools of Barangay Yulo, Balantang, Rima, Sapao and Guintas as well as the RG Hechanova High School. The beneficiaries reached 700.
It was Sister Mary Fidelis Estrada who led Purr to the Assumption grounds on Aug. 21, 2009. Seen at the area were parents and guardians lining up with their babies. The bigger kids were at the playground, trying out the swings and slides, among others. The sisters were busy at the registration – enlisting the beneficiaries as well as dispensing medicines. After all, it’s a medical and dental mission. The services that were offered were FBS screening, cholesterol screening, eye check-up, X-ray, ECG, CBC, bone screening, among others. Free vitamins and medicines were given. The students of Assumption Iloilo, trained to be of service to others, were the ones who solicited medicines and other donations to make the free clinic a reality. The medicines that were given to the patients were complete treatments. Say, a patient prescribed with antibiotic was given one-week supply of such. Also given out were gift packs containing multivitamins, paracetamol, noodles, sardines and alcohol.

Sister Mary Fidelis Estrada (far right)
with students.
Before the medical and dental services started, Dr. Arlene Tirador gave a lecture on dengue and Influenza A (H1N1).
The activity’s theme was “Joy: Jesus Only You.”