Discover 14 Cafe

Located at San Mars Point, just along General Luna Street, is a tiny red-and-white restaurant that seats 25 people. This is named 14 Cafe. This restaurant is the playground of International Celebrity Chef, Han Seung Teak, or Jason Han to fans and food lovers in Korea.
Just like many of his countrymen, Jason Han came here to study English. We are fortunate enough that he ended up here in Iloilo City, thanks to the city’s reputation for having exemplary English tutors. It was not only learning English that made him like Iloilo, but for him it was a respite from his busy life as a university student at the prestigious Korea University in Seoul where he studied Food Engineering. He is a respected celebrity chef for “Tok Tok Evening” of KBS2 Channel, “Deng Jang and Chun Jang” of Food-N Channel, “Science Cook” of YTN Channel, and Wonderful Tonight” of MBC Channel and a young entrepreneur of “Unique Asia Restaurant, “WI-Yeon” and “Rico Restaurant” back home.

Now why did he end up in Iloilo City with a homey, personalized 14 Cafe with everything going in blitz and tinsels in his home country? A lot of people asked. “Its my playground. I want to make the Ilonggos happy with the food I create.” His answer made people smile and although it had a lingering doubts to the soundness of his choice, one cannot help but praise him for his passion. Although he referred to it as his “playground” one can see how much effort and energy he puts in his cafe, making things work and making his magicv felt a day at a time. Whereas he is a celebrity chef in South Korea with a schedule that didn’t give him room to grow as a person, here in Iloilo City, he is Jason Han, a truly exceptional chef and also a friend to all food lovers in the city.
Check out his place and be spellbound by his creations!