Traveling along Iznart Street

Hi, there. How are you? Feeling great and fit to look around! I would venture out.
For I-Travel, we do really feel GREAT! Thanks to really good persons, who inspired us to redeem I-Travel from the coffers!
It means that we get to travel again, within Iloilo City, Philippines and perhaps, if the Gods are with us, international travel. I-Travel, Iloilo Travel and International Travel! How about that?
We do feel responsible and obligated to focus mostly traveling around within our good, and unique city. Do you know that Iloilo City is unique and antique, at that? Right!

So, let’s start with our logo. That’s the Arroyo fountain. It is antique and it is history. Read the history of the Government officials, Arroyos in their times. It’s not just that, guys. Notice the four ladies, holding and supporting the basin upstairs, serving as a water basin? They tell you and I the direction in getting around Iloilo City. You know for sure, all of them direct us to go North, South, East, and West. Any grade school student will know about this. And if you are a sun lover, one of these ladies directs us, facing the direction of the sunrise, the lady at the other side of course, documents where the sun will disappear to give way to the coming of night. So, the Iloilo Provincial Building complex, old and new is North and South is going down Iznart street. They were the icons of direction when walking in the city was the fad, as well as the caretelas, of the yesterdays rich.
Yes, why not? Walking with the proper togs is great exercise! So long as you watch out for several needed wares. The proper wear and shoes for walking; you are fit to walk, and you know what you want! In good weather and bad weather Iloilo City is “walkable”, guys! Good for everybody’s health.
So, we decided to tackle the old streets of the city. That’s going south, down Iznart street. In this thoroughfare, on the left is a medical historic place. The old house of one famous doctor in Iloilo. Dr. Ledesma’s house is witness to European practice of Medicine and early Radiology. In line with this house and office, is the YMCA. The YMCA, had its glory days. As one goes further down south, we get into the intersection that will confuse you, and I. Why? Because here, one will see a whole lot antiquity, preserved and even modified by human beings who want to get on with life and business. We will tackle this area next week. See you! (COPYRIGHT-VFVIDOMD)