This time it’s mine

My greetings of a fruitful New Year 2010 to all my Twilight readers and everyone. It’s another year and I am so happy that I am still a member of the TNT Family. My appreciation to our TNT’s Marichel Magalona for giving me this chance to share the happenings and events that I attend and the people whom I meet in my social and civic gatherings.
As the year ended it was my turn to celebrate my nth birthday with high school classmates and closer friends. Nothing fantastic but just a very simple celebration of good health, and I thank God, He gave me all those guidance. We had the late afternoon merienda cum dinner at our farm house getting the ambiance of the cool breeze surrounded with sugar cane, mahogany trees, santol trees and more. A different setting for my friends.
So this time, it’s my own birthday celeb on this page, fellahs!