Café Shakespeare

DIRECTOR and scriptwriter Joann Paulette Libo-on had an idea in mind—to create a play out of coffee and Shakespeare– as coffee is universal, unanimously savored worldwide and so does Shakespeare in a lot of ways. That idea, though a little ambitious, soon was given life in the paper, the writer pulsing with quiet apprehension and excitement, scribbling at an end only to be discarded and replaced by a new one– more compact, articulate, more familiar and comprehensible to the Ilonggo audiences. The result of which was a production understated for its ingenuity, expertise, skill and experience in this visually artistic field.
With the collaboration of the USA Little Theater and Stage One, headed by no less than the theater genius/ enthusiast himself, Mr. Eric Divinagracia, the preview of the play Café Shakespeare hinted a success for its grand run on February with the test run held last December 16 on the 5th floor of the University of San Agustin’s Alumni Building. Café Shakespeare is about magical café’, where customers speak the Shakespearean tongue upon a sip of the café’s secret concoctions As the story materializes, the characters as if in a trance, comes into being, and speaks randomly, in an unordinary Shakespearean tongue, conveying about the gamut of love–unrequited, bitter or sweet, that often not as grandly expressed in the native language.

The actors in the play revealed strength and each showed an array of talent and for the most part, knack for comical punch lines. There was never a dull moment, instead, audiences are held captive by the unexpected hilarious turns in the play. It made it all the more interesting when the fun and a little bit of bitterness is said in the language we may not all be familiar with but is interested to learn and know. Spectators are wheeled from one robust laugh to another but obliges to listen and cooperate to feel the part in somber scenes.
This original piece is a testament to our Ilonggo talents. It perfectly hones the minds, students and adults alike, to something less than the reel world and more of the real world. A work of art should never be wasted and the people behind Café’ Shakespeare very well knows that. Although the entire production was roughly prepared in less than a week, and even with a limited budget, they triumphantly did it with much flair and dexterity. But it doesn’t just stop there; there is still room for improvement as they prepare for its moment of truth in February.
Café Shakespeare was a constant delight, often hilarious but above all smartly written, all in all– a must see. Congratulations everyone for a job well done.