Guidelines for 2010 nat’l literacy awards bared
Only literacy programs initiated by NGOs, private educational institutions, people’s organizations, academe and socio-civic groups may be nominated under the Literacy Program Category of the 2010 National Literacy Awards spearheaded by the Department of Education and Literacy Coordinating Council.
In the Local Government Unit Category, the LGU shall be the nominee.
These are the main guidelines of the contest which has two categories, namely Outstanding Literacy Program and Outstanding Local Government Unit.
The guidelines for this year’s awards further state that if a government agency’s mandate or its main function involves the management, implementation and sustainability of literacy programs and projects, such agency cannot be nominated under the program category.
However, if such government agency initiates or implements literacy programs supplementary to its regular government function, a special citation shall be given by the LCC during awarding ceremonies.
Likewise, outstanding literacy advocates shall be given due recognition and citation for their stewardship of their literacy program/project.
In the case of LGUs, the leadership of the local chief executive may be duly noted and recognized, but the efforts of the LGU must be the main consideration. Focus should be on the literacy development efforts of the various sectors: agriculture, social services, environmental, infrastructure, and other groups (youth, elderly, women’s, indigenous people, specially-abled persons, etc.).
The LGU level category shall be divided into Highly Urbanized Cities, Independent Component and Component Cities, 1st to 3rd Class Municipalities, and 4th to 6th Class Municipalities.
First place winners who maintain the rank for three years are eligible for the Hall of Fame Award, Subsequently, hall of fame awardees will not be eligible to join the regular contest.
The yearly awards was formally announced here by the DepEd and LCC during an orientation on the program held recently. The awards will also recognize individuals and government and non-government organizations for their dedication, commitment and contribution to the universalization of literacy in their respective communities. It is held in conjunction with the celebration of Literacy Week every September.
The regional evaluation is set to start on March 26. (PIA 6)