Treñas: MIWD privatization solution to water woes
Mayor Jerry P. Treñas has reiterated his ardent call for privatization of the Metro Iloilo Water District (MIWD) in order to solve the problem of critical water supply and water delivery services in this highly urbanized city in the Visayas.
“The World Bank has already recommended the privatization scheme and that there is no other solution to the water problem except to privatize MIWD. I wholeheartedly welcome that recommendation,” Treñas said during a congressional debate sponsored by a local radio station over the weekend.
On the other hand, incumbent city solon Raul Gonzalez Jr. said the water delivery service to city consumers should be given to private concessionaires like what is being implemented in Metro Manila.
The water district is still under the National Water Service Administration (Nawasa) but the delivery of water to consumers is being undertaken by private firms which passed through a bidding process, Gonzalez said.
Treñas admitted that local water district is currently facing gargantuan problems in its water services.
The main problem lies at its main water reservoir in Maasin, Iloilo faced by the challenges of El Niño phenomenon.
“There is not enough water supply because of climate change and we have no rains for the past several months. The MIWD just cannot deliver water without a supply of water,” Treñas said.
Another big problem faced by MIWD is on its distribution lines.
The water district with the Nawasa was created more than 100 years ago and has antiquated distribution lines and numerous illegal connections.
“The water district service is no longer efficient and sadly, MIWD if left alone, cannot solve the problems anymore,” Treñas pointed out. (PNA)