Mavi’s Puppies

Mavi Gwen Nacion is a 22-year-old Hotel and Restaurant Management student from the University of San Agustin. Mavi would rather stay and play beside her adorable pets because she enjoys being with her “babies” — purebred dogs and cute dwarf hamsters.
PL: What made you decide to start this business?
Mavi Gwen Nacion (MGN): I have always been fond of animals. When I was a kid, my mom would always take me to the zoo or I would always stay at the pet shop near our house. Aside from being a flight attendant, it has always been my dream to own an animal paradise. I just love to have animals around, from the tiniest to the largest kind. I treat them not just as pets but as part of my family. Years ago, my pet dog gave birth. Since we already had four dogs and many of my friends wanted to have one, I decided to sell the puppies. That’s when my small business or I must say, my hobby started. My lovely, beloved pets and aspiring pet owners make my world go round.
PL: With your limited capital as a newbie in the business, how do you manage?
MGN: In order to do a breeding plan in the correct manner, something that you are going to have to do is to develop an idea about the breed standards that you are looking for and how to apply them to your dogs. My breeding plan includes ways of managing my dogs and how they should be maintained. It also has information about how I intend on keeping my dogs up to date on their shots. It is important to have the right type of breeding plan and it is very important to make sure that you can follow through with it. You must be flexible as a dog breeder so that you can make decisions about what is right for you, your business, and most especially, your dogs.
PL: Let’s talk multi-tasking, how do you balance your life as a student and as an entrepreneur?
MGN: Being a student and being in this business is easy for me. I am able to cope up with the stress because everytime I go home from school, I see all my dogs and I feel happy. Studying and having my own business at the same time and this early in my life can give me financial security. I have also learned that as long as I love what I’m doing it can make my dreams come true!

PL: How will you describe your business 5 to 10 years from now?
MGN: How hard can it be to breed dogs? Just put a couple of dogs in a pen, let nature take its course, and I could make thousands without any effort. My business would be a great success if I really put all my time and dedication to it. Maybe in 10 years I will have my business from my driveway and build my own pet shop.
PL: Any tips you can share to future entrepreneurs like you?
MGM: For anyone who wants to run an honest, ethical, humane, and profitable dog breeding business, put the welfare of the dogs first. PETA will support you! (laughs) Breeding dogs should never be done lightly. It can be expensive, time-consuming, and even dangerous to the dogs if they aren’t healthy. Breeding dogs can be heartbreaking, too, if you haven’t done your homework to prevent devastating genetic defects.