Nestor’s versatility

Put Accountancy and Environmentalist in one sentence and it may seem like a mismatch at first, but believe it or not this humble role model excels in both areas.
Nestor “Versatile” Necesito is a 21-year–old UPV Cum Laude graduate in the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy who has an enthusiasm for a cleaner environment and lives by his motto “life is not earning for a living but having a living”.
The youngest of four children, Necesito was born and raised to a retired military father and a nurturing mother.
Outstanding Student
When still a boy, he aspired to be the Governor of Central Bank of the Philippines. This dream tested the limits of his social responsibility, academic and leadership potential wherein he grew up to hone his ability in finance. Excelling in elementary and high school, he outdid himself in college unexpectedly grabbing regional, national, and international awards. His willpower to achieve made him one of the Top Ten Outstanding Students of the Philippines 2010.
Serving Communities
Socially Responsible, Necesito recognizes that service is a gateway to fulfill a sense of satisfaction from change and the ability to touch lives. With the help of his friends, colleagues, and teachers, he selflessly enjoys serving his local communities.
The motivation to involve communities and his university with successful projects certified him regional awards.

Sustainable livelihood and education also are just as important to him outside of the city. Counting YOU In: Adopt-a-Community Project of the Aeta Community, Sitio Nagpana, Bgry. Lipata, Barotac Viejo, Iloilo was a project that aimed not to industrialize but rather advance the progression of the livelihood of over 600 Aetas in the community. The impact of the project qualified his organization as a finalist in the Ten Accomplished Youth Organizations search in the Visayas.
At the end of the day, treading kilometers of dirt to provide Aeta children footwear no longer felt like a hassle, and neither did it wear down his spirit to fulfill the project because with his heart genuinely in it, he and his team generously walked the distance.
Even after graduating, Necesito will continue to serve his community starting with Ilonggo CAREs (Community Action for a Renewed Environment), a project of the Iloilo Students’ Alliance for Nature and Development (I-STAND). It is an on-going plan of action that aims to integrate socially responsible local community training to renew the environment first with Iloilo.
Academic Excellence
In the area of academics, he excelled in the national levels. During the 11th Annual Search for the Most Outstanding Students of the Philippines, his UPV team took third place in the Team Competition Case Study. Although they won a photocopy machine for the University, the best part however, was being able to strengthen his relations as a team player in the process. In 2009, Necesito was one of 50 delegates chosen nationwide to join Business Case Presentation an Accountancy Students Seminar and Extra-curricular Training (ASSET 2009). His approach towards innovative business solutions were assessed by business firms who eventually liked his ideas giving him the First Place spot. He then joined the country’s most prestigious finance competition – the 11th Inter-Collegiate Finance Competition. Despite taking fifth place in the final round, he realized that he has the capacity to perform alongside top universities in the Philippines and in Asia, competing with schools like Ateneo de Manila University and the University of Hong Kong.

“I believe God enabled me to lead. And it is through my accomplishments and blessings where I give everything back to Him in whatever He wills for me to do.”
Nestor “Balanced” Necesito serves as an inspirational leader who opts to take risks and prefers to leave no regrets behind a thoroughly made decision. A vision of endless possibilities to explore, encourage, and strengthen the union of the youth through nation-building brought him to this humbling part of his life.
An Eco-Mind winner and a 2008 Bayer Young Environmental Envoy, he was sent to New Zealand to represent the country for the 3rd Asia-Pacific Eco-Minds Forum that addressed the challenges of Sustainable Development using viable approaches of Science and Technology. Privileged, Necesito was sent to Malaysia for the Youth Engagement Summit (YES 2009) to represent again the Philippines and engage himself in discussions among other youth to tackle and generate possible solutions towards national and international issues. The GreenIskul project is a testament to his passion and a blueprint for other universities to follow. This pet project turned community movement, is his own innovative idea introduced by UPV’s College of Management Student Council. The project he led focused on the environmental concern and its issues being ignored. Their eco-friendly programs cater to advocate climate change solution in four ways: Intensive Information Dissemination through education; Sustainability Programme by conducting lectures and forums; Simple Housekeeping—conserving energy; Zero Solid Waste Management—proper waste segregation distinguished from three sets of trash bins and establishing the Vermi Center. It uses the process of vermi worms to convert biodegradable trash into conditioned and nutritious soil. The Senate Oversight Committee for Climate Change and the Philippine Youth Climate Movement acknowledged his program’s initiative to champion over climate change in turn recognized him as a Climate Hero, a most honorable award. “Every opportunity of recognition is a humbling experience,” Necesito says but with many awards deserved, the most rewarding is, as much as possible, spending time with family – his backbone through every trial, the very people who keep him grounded after every accomplishment.
By now, you can probably call him Mr. International, Mr. Goal-oriented or Mr. Avant-garde, but mistakenly, those are characteristics Necesito does not describe himself to be.
Start of an Advocacy

A Zamboanga native, Necesito came to Iloilo City five years ago for his undergraduate degree only to discover that his interests lay beyond the walls of his classroom–envisioning a greener grass on the opposite side of our littered streets and a breathable air as purified as the Nawasa water we drink.
The root of inspiration to be an environmentalist was realized in 2006 when he volunteered to help clean the Oil Spill in Guimaras. Since then, Nestor “Environmental Envoy” Necesito pledged an advocacy to create a better Philippines, but he needs the help of the youth. He challenges them to incorporate passion even in their own smallest endeavors. He believes that “you should love what you are doing because when you love what you do, the passion of your labor will decide everything.” He imagines that building a better Philippines means improving a healthier character, transforming an attitude, and playing a responsible role in the community by taking action of practicing proper waste disposal, re-using laundry water, and turning off the lights routinely.
When he is not putting others before himself he is preparing for the Certified Public Accountants (CPA) board exam this coming October. By the time he’s made it as a financial practitioner, he will have a greater advantage in creating an improved environment and economy. Using his background in business, a future possible partnership between the youth, local communities, and business firms and corporations anticipate for a national and global response to climate change. So in ten years time, he hopes as you do—to see a changed Philippines.
Standing at 5 feet and 10 inches Nestor Necesito remains to influence the youth, shape the future, and keep it Green. He is versatile. He is balanced. He is an environmental envoy.