HS Class ‘80 celebrates Assumption-Iloilo’s centenary

AS early as last year, the organizing committee of the Assumption High School Class 80 composed of Iloilo-based classmates, have been contacting and urging classmates from all over the world to come home and join the once in a lifetime Centennial Celebration of our beloved alma mater, Assumption-Iloilo.
Starting March of this year, we began having regular meetings and intensive planning of the various activities the class to further entice classmates to come home.
We were at the opening of the exhibits on Aug. 9 where memorabilia of each batch will be displayed. Our batch is also in charge of the food kiosks and booths, as well as the Movie Booth and the scary booth during the Centennial Mission Fair the whole day of the 11th. All our proceeds will be donated for the various projects and activities of Assumption-Iloilo.
At 5 pm of August 12, at the Concepcion Chalet, we have invited psychologist, Cynthia Concepcion-Baga to be our main sharer and facilitator as we Celebrate Life’s Passages. The classmates will then have dinner and further sharings with our former class adviser, Sr. Maria Rosa Medina, ra who will come all the way from Bangkok where she is now assigned.

Friday the 13th, Breakthrough Restaurant in Villa Beach will be our venue for our lunch which will be hosted by our seven overseas classmates. We will then proceed to the school to watch the velada presentation of the jubilarians.
On the 14th, after the healing mass with Fr. Suarez, we will hie off to nearby Guimaras where Gov. and Mrs. Felipe Nava (nee “Anna Maria “Lally” Golez, an active member of Class 80) will host our brunch. We will all then proceed to La Puerta Al Paraiso where we will spend the night together relaxing while reminiscing and updating each other with our lives. . .
After breakfast on the 15th we will hurry back to the city and prepare for the 3 pm procession where we will have the chance to wear our school uniform again!
The grand day will be capped by the 5 pm Pontifical High Mass to be followed by the Grand Dinner Ball.
Welcome Home, dear classmates!