Panitan Town Fiesta: A Global Festivity

PANITAN, CAPIZ – The Global Reunion, “Gab-i Sang Pagpasidungog” and Coronation Night of the Fiesta Queen and King were the highlights of this town’s recent celebration of its annual fiesta last August 7-10.
The Global Reunion was a get-together of Panitan’s balikbayans who are successful abroad. They go back to their hometown to contribute to its advancement either as benefactors, sponsors, or in whatever way that they could assist.
The town’s beautiful and charming mayor, Katherine “Kit” Dequina-Belo said that the Global Reunion had a lot of familiar faces. The reunion, which she describes as a happy occasion, was joined by the municipal officials, employees, and working partners of the balikbayans.

The Global Reunion night also included a modern ballroom dance event in which everyone had a grant time.
Gab-i sang Pagpasidungog is an occasion that gives recognition and awards to outstanding Panitanons who bring honor and dignity to the town.
This year’s festivity, themed “Pagpasidungog to Deserving Panitanons” was in honor of St. Lawrence the Deacon, the town’s patron saint.
There were three honorees during the Pagpasidungog – Engr. Jose Doktora Dasas, the late Dr. Salvador Delfin Dollota, and Romualdo Daliva Lozada. They were recognized for their contribution to the development of Panitan town.
During the Coronation Night, lovely young lady Raisa Ervina Diosana Benganio was crowned Fiesta Queen 2010 with Fiesta King John Frederick Degala.
The town’s fiesta activities were successful and colorful and attended not only by Panitanons but by visitors from neighboring towns and other cities from the different provinces.