A Scrappin’ Affair
Come join on September 26, 2010 at Robinsons Place Iloilo

Sightings have been reported: Women walking around with scrapbooking trolleys in tow; Children dashing to the activity center with their parents struggling to keep up; People of all ages armed with the latest art tools and paraphernalia. An onlooker asks himself, “What the heck is going on?” The answer? All About Scrapbooking is right here, right now.
This 2010, the biggest brand in the Philippine scrapbooking scene is kicking it up into high-gear with A SCRAPPIN’ AFFAIR- the largest, most enjoyable and most unforgettable scrapbooking event of the year! Moving from one city to another, A SCRAPPIN’ AFFAIR is set to teach scrapbooking enthusiasts all over the Philippines about the latest projects, the hottest trends and newest products to hit the racks. No need to suffer through endless travel hours or long distances–All About Scrapbooking is bringing all the excitement right into your hometown!
A SCRAPPIN AFFAIR guarantees a whole day of scrappin’ fun and learning for all. For as low as Php150, you get to enjoy cool workshops where you can learn from the creators of All About Scrapbooking themselves, compete in friendly scrapbooking contests with fellow scrapbooking aficionados and win tons of amazing prizes and freebies!
Come join the All About Scrapbooking team as they visit Iloilo on September 26, 2010 at Robinsons Place Iloilo. Registration starts at 10AM.
Mark your calendar and free your schedules because it’s going to be one fun-filled, artistic year for everyone! For more details, join All About Scrapbooking in Facebook or log on to www.filstar.com.ph See you there!