The ‘Animetals’

Antonio “Tony” Maning Wuthrich held an exhibit entitled “Animetals” at the UPV Gallery recently. Displayed were artworks of animals that were made of handcrafted steel and copper, with some joined in with mahogany and acacia woods.
These pieces were a rare display at UPV Gallery which, in the past, has housed paintings and sculptures. “A first time for UPV Art Gallery. It’s something different,” said Prof. Vinnie Tan, curator.
Tony said that he did all the work including the framing of his pieces. “My dad taught me never to be idle and that we should find something to do with our hands,” said Tony.
Indeed, ‘Animetals’ was a display of God’s creation through Tony’s expertise on metal and wood.
The exhibit was supported by the UPV Chancellor’s Committee for Culture and the Arts.