Medical Mission at Savannah Square

Continuing the spirit of generosity, The Savannah Christian Fellowship in cooperation with Oton Municipal Health Center, The Crest Homeowners Association, Inc. and Global Land Property Management held a medical mission last September 26 at Savannah Square.
The free medical mission was spearheaded pedia physicians like Drs. Maria Luisa Kanapi, James Woo, Sally Ticao, Michael Jun Pinosa, Pauline Joanne Hinola and Ma. Christina Woo.
They provided free immunization for 0-9 month old children on Polio vaccination, BCG, Vitamin B, Deworming, Filiarasis tablets and measles. The beneficiaries were Savannah homeowners and invited less fortunate families.
Savannah aims to reach out to other people and make Savannah not only a premier community but a place where the spirit of giving and camaraderie exist.
Likewise, it is a timely event for Camella Iloilo as it celebrates the 10th Anniversary of Savannah as a landmark serene community where upscale lifestyle harmonizes with close-to-nature ambiance and social-civic responsibilities.