
Trisikads. What in the world are they?
For the locals, they will describe these vehicles for you even when they are sleeping! Literally, it is a bicycle with a tray cart attached to it, large enough to accommodate four passengers sitting back to back, and the sikad driver.
Where on earth can you find these contraptions? Central Visayas is full of them! Iloilo City is filled with them! In fact, the whole Philippine Archipelago inundates with these.
What is it used for? To carry passengers. It is a low cost transportation in Panay Island. In particular, our city, Iloilo City. To most trisikad drivers, as well as operators, these are good sources of income. A lot of Ilonggos patronize them.
Are they safe? You bet they are. So long as you are healthy, it will be one of your unusual rides to your destination. So long as they do not invade the main road arteries, where there are speed limits. It is cool but not so comfortable, but it is cheap!
Is it a good way to earn a living? One never know, but to some it could be source for daily food.