DPWH to activate ‘Lakbay-Alalay’ for safe travel on All Saints’ Day
The Department of Public Works and Highways 6 is preparing for the activation of its “Lakbay-Alalay” program in time for All Saints’ Day on November 1.
DPWH Assistant Regional Director Juby Cordon said at the program is the agency’s annual undertaking during every All Saints Day to ensure the smooth and safe travel of motorists.
Through their stations they were able to help a lot of travelers in the past, she said.
Cordon said all DPWH district offices have been advised to establish stations depending on the road sections that they will have to cover.
Meanwhile, Cordon said DPWH district offices must ensure that all national highways must be properly maintained to make them passable especially those leading to private and public cemeteries.
As roads are being maintained on a daily basis all the more that they have to ensure the quality of the roads for the All Saints’ Day activities, she said.
Secretary Rogelio Singson has issued a memorandum to all regional directors and district engineers, underscoring the thrust of the agency for the coming November 1 “to assist motorists” thereafter directed all of them to “activate a composite team who will aide the travelling public on strategic locations within your jurisdiction.”
Singson also advised concerned offices to make proper coordination with the Land Transportation Office, Philippine National Police, local government units, among others in order that “required assistance maybe provided.”
The “Lakbay Alalay” will start at 8 a.m. of October 30 and end noontime of November 3.*PNA