Walk away from Breast Cancer

Every woman should make an effort to walk away from breast cancer.
Last October 10, breast cancer survivors that comprise the organization Bosom FRIENDS, Inc. and their supporters from the private and government sectors, joined the walk against breast cancer. The event was in line with the observance of Pink October or the Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
The activity started with early morning exercises at the Provincial Capitol grounds. Then, the group walked along Bonifacio Drive and Luna Street until they reached the Iloilo Medical Society (IMS). At the IMS, Bosom FRIENDS, Inc. president Dr. Doris Mendoza greeted the participants. She introduced Rev. Maggie Hofilena, a breast cancer survivor and founder of Bosom FRIENDS, Inc. Hofilena narrated: “I had breast cancer in 2000. After my chemotherapy, I decided to put up a support group for women with breast cancer. It was in May 2001 when the group was incorporated. In October 2001, we had our first observance of Pink October. After nine years, this organization is still active. We have achieved our mission as friends. We have helped save lives.”

FRIENDS stand for F-ellowship, R-estoration, I-ntimacy, E-ncouragement, N-eeds met, D-edication, and S-pirituality.
After the speeches, the participants were free to do whatever they wanted in the area. Some bought organic vegetables as well as the environment-friendly products of Human Nature. Some had veggie burger. I had a veggie burger with cheese and honey and it was really delicious. Even the organic carrots were crispy and fresh. They’re perfect for snacks instead of having chocolates or bread.
A free tai chi lesson was offered, too. The Seventh Day Adventist church exhibited “Celebration” which emphasized that man’s well-being is dependent on: C- choice (to smoke or not? to drink or not?), E – exercise (promotes longevity), L – liquid (lubricant of one’s functionality), E – environment (empowerment of society), B – basis of one’s spirituality, R- rest ( to restore your resiliency), A – air (to activate your vitality), T – temperance (the temple of your purity), I – integrity (incorruptibility of your honesty), O – optimism (operant of your sanity), N – nutrition (nourishment) and S – social support.
Every woman is reminded to be vigilant about their breasts by having a self-breast exam every month starting at the age of 20 and a mammography every year starting at the age of 40. This month, hospitals offer discounts for mammography services.
The chance of surviving breast cancer is very high when it is diagnosed early.