UPV graduate named TOSP awardee

UP Visayas’ 2010 BS Accountancy graduate Nestor Necesito was chosen as one of the 2010 Ten Outstanding Students of the Philippines (TOSP) during the National Awarding Ceremonies at the Rizal Hall, Malacañan Palace on October 7, 2010. Necesito and the rest of the TOSP winners received the award from no less that Pres. Benigno Aquino III.
The TOSP is a program that annually recognizes exceptional youths for their academic excellence, leadership, good morals and diverse involvement within the community. TOSP seeks to promote integrity, excellence and service as a way of life.
TOSP awardees belong to the select group of students who were recognized because of their deep sense of commitment to superior and academic performance, servant leadership, and social responsibility.
Necesito graduated cum laude from the College of Management and was active in extra-curricular activities especially those in the area of public service. An environmentalist at heart, he was cited as an Eco Mind Winner and 2008 Bayer Environmental Envoy and was sent to New Zealand to represent the country in the 3rd Asia-Pacific Eco-Minds Forum that addressed the challenges of Sustainable Development using viable approaches of Science and Technology. He led the Green-Iskul Movement of the UPV College of Management that advocates green programs and issues in campus. He was a recipient of the SGV &Company Foundation Scholarship, the Isla Lipana & Company Award of Excellence and was given the Most Outstanding Graduate of UP Visayas award in 2010.
To qualify in the TOSP, one must be able to articulately express his thoughts and opinions. He/she should exhibit academic excellence, exemplary leadership skills, community involvement and dynamic participation in various academic and extracurricular programs. Good, strong values based on religious beliefs, being empathetic and sensitive towards other, integrity and an earnest concern to help others are also essential.
In his statement as a TOSP awardee, Necesito believes that being outstanding is about “letting the other shine through”, and that is what he has done. He made his volunteers and peers feel that they too are outstanding. He also added, “to the field I will join, I must stay selfless and responsible. I believe that ethics is best tested in an auditing and accounting environment – and it is here where I will dwell, to prove that God favors the prudent.”
The TOSP is sponsored by RFM Foundation in cooperation with RFM Corporation, Commission on Higher Education, National Bookstore, Inc., and Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company.