Jaresh’s Birthday Treat

Garden of the Ascension Memorial Park’s manager, Jaresh Ng celebrated his birthday with the residents of Barangay San Isidro, La Paz headed by their Punong Barangay Felicitas Hortillas. Entitled JAH – 2/7 (which has two meanings – Jaresh’s nickname and Just a Help), it was a simple celebration but a very happy one for everybody present. Jaresh, coupled with his creativity and sense of humor had everyone smiling and laughing when he engaged the senior citizens in a Give Me What I Want game. The first to bring a senior citizen ID, the one who recently had her pedicure, who had the longest hair, who had one’s hair colored just recently, who is the shortest, who can dance to the tune of “Spaghetti” and who can sing well. After the games came the giving of packs containing rice and grocery items. Each sales agency of GAMP had a representative who helped Jaresh give the gifts and snacks.
Jaresh expressed thanks to Barangay Isidro for allowing him to spend his birthday with the residents.
The village has five zones and 3,668 residents. The males are mostly carpenters, masons and laborers. The females are mostly vendors and makers of suman, lanson, corn and other products that are being sold around the city. They, too are thankful to Jaresh for his kindness.
Indeed, it was a wonderful birthday celebration.