Unusual Channel
Allow good things into your life
This article was written by Ms. Charlene M. Proctor, Ph.D. I agree with what she wrote here that is why I would like to share it with you and perhaps make an impact in your life like it did to me. Sometimes, we are not aware of the things we say or the things we do. We are not aware that it affects our way of thinking or disposition. Perhaps, this article will somehow change how you think and how you see things that are happening in your life. It is still a matter of perception but there is no losing end here, only winning if you just let it sink.
Everyone gets off track from time to time - it is normal and a consequence of living in a complex, stressful world. Attract abundance and maintain a good mental equivalent by raising your vibration. Raising your vibration means giving loving attention, or energy, to what you want. We get faster results by attuning to an idea of what we want and then allowing it to come into our lives, because we are already in a state of thankfulness that it is here. That is another reason we write affirmations in the present moment: there really isn't any other time in our lives that is important. Live in the now, thank in the now, love in the now, and allow prosperity to happen in the now, knowing it is already present.
When we concentrate on the effects of the world, rather than our supply, we lower our vibrational quality, making it much harder to demonstrate what we want. You've heard the concept of alignment and finding "center" from many spiritual teachers, achieved by chanting, prayer, meditation, chakra balancing, even martial arts or exercise. Those activities help raise your vibrational quality by helping you to identify or resonate with the true self, so that goodness can manifest. Essentially, you are attuning to your God-force. That is why in affirmations, we focus on the "I am" within us and align our vibrational quality with that of our God/Goddess energy. We do a pretty job of cultivating our own negative programming and often bring to the table a lot of negative assumptions about money and abundance that lower our vibration. You might recognize these:
It was never meant for me to have money. I'm poor but clean (or good, pure, happy, content). If I want to lead a spiritual life and be closer to God, it means I must have to give everything up. I'll be like Christ (or Buddha, Rumi, Mohammed, Mother Teresa) because not having any material wealth means I am purer (or righteous, religious, going to get a better afterlife). You can live a pure life only without material items. I don't want to learn about how money works - I'll just let (identify what is important toy you) and I will do it. I just want to spend money. I only care about large sums of money. Why should I pick up a penny off the sidewalk? It's not worth my time, so I'll just do a mediocre (or lousy) job. This shows overall disrespect for your true supply when it's giving you an opportunity. Choose not to do the job instead! Prosperity means I have to take something away from someone else. I can't enjoy wealth because I feel guilty. I will never be able to afford that. You are building a "can't afford" consciousness. You will bring more events and things into your life that you cannot afford. I can't imagine having a million dollars - I wouldn't know what to do with it. If I had a million dollars, I'd give it all away. If I become wealthy, why should I be generous? I struggled so long; I'm going to let everyone else know how it feels not to have anything. People who have money are wealthy snobs. Being rich is selfish. You can have too much money. Rich people consume all the world's natural resources. I love the earth too much to be rich. Money represents temptation and evil. I don't deserve what I really want. I don't want this deal not to work out. If you're constantly worried about lack, you'll attract it. I just want to be rich. This one is particularly self-defeating, because you'll spend your energy on getting the money without any focus on how to do it.
"By using positive affirmations, we can build confidence and get what we want out of life."