Anything Under the Sun
On character change (2)
Let's now go to hope.
Hope is the virtue by which we seek happiness in Heaven and place our trust in God giving us eternal life and the means to attain it and not relying on our own strength, but on the help of Holy Spirit.
The basis of hope is in the promise of God of the glory of Heaven to those who love Him and does His will. Hence, in every circumstance, each one of us should hope, with the grace of God to persevere "to the end".
Here are some food for thought on hope:
In the moment of temptation think of the Love that awaits you in Heaven. Foster the virtue of hope.- San Josemaria Escriva.
O sinner-grown old in sin, embedded to wickedness, despair not. To encourage you to greater confidence, God has provided you a mediatrix, who, by her prayers obtains whatever she will. Go, then, have recourse to Mary, and you will be saved. - St. Bernard.
Those who have sinned must not despair. Let that never be. For we are condemned not for the multitude of evils but because we do not want to repent and learn the miracles of Christ. - St. Mark the Ascetic.
You must accept your cross; if you carry it courageously it will carry you to Heaven. - St. John Vianney.
However wicked I may be, however great sinner, I must hope that I should go to Heaven. You forbid me to despair. - Venerable Charles de Foucauld.
So, rejoice in your hope, be patient in tribulation and afflications. Hope is expressed in prayer, especially in Our Father, the summary of everything that hope leads us to desire- Catechism of Catholic church.
The opposite of hope is despair which is a sin. Do not despair for even in a suicide there is still hope. Who knows that while between the bridge and the river, the suicide in a brief moment asked contritely for forgiveness from God and God in His infinite mercy granted his prayers.