Being single
Always the bridesmaid and never the bride?
I have friends and relatives, who at the age of thirty-something are dreaming of finding a partner. After all, who doesn't like to be hugged and cuddled by a loved one all the time? Who wouldn't like one's back to be massaged when one is tired from work? These are just among the many benefits that co-dependency on a partner offers.
But after three major boyfriends and a late husband, I oftentimes tell them, "Been there, done that, God-willing, I'd rather not go back."
When I was younger, I used to think that one can anchor one's happiness on the presence of a partner. Well, the first phase of the relationship has its 'kilig' factor but after several years, you know that this shall pass. I also began to look back and I realized that the happiest times of my life was when I was single and the times that I was unhappy the most was when I was 'chained.'
After being single for many months now, these are some of the benefits I could think of.
You can have the bed and couch to yourself.
You don't have to compete on whose TV programs should come first (the remote control would have a longer life span).
You don't have to clean after smelly socks, underwear and a dirty bathroom.
You don't have to listen to snoring and farting hahaha.
You can laze around the house and not feel guilty for not doing the household chores and being called irresponsible.
You can wear whatever you like without somebody commenting, "You aren't wearing that, are you?'"
You can dance a lot when you party and no one will say, "Oh damn, you're doing that Gummy Bear thing again."
Nobody will complain if you give too much time for work than him and cancel or leave a date because you had to work late or were called to an emergency event.
You can go out on a weekend with your girlfriends and won't have to explain yourself when you get home when the sun is already rising.
You can be friendly with the opposite sex if you want to and nobody will scream at you because of jealousy.
You can date as much as you like.
You are financially independent.
And most of all, you have peace of mind.
So, what about one's fear of growing old alone? Well, just trust God's ways. He always provides.