Young Voice
Putting the elephant inside the refrigerator
I can't seem to get this joke out of my mind. How do you place an elephant inside a refrigerator? The wise story teller answers this with three simple ways. First, you open the refrigerator, second, you let the elephant in, and third, you close the refrigerator. Pure genius, if you ask me. No doctorate degree holder can scientifically explain the madness held within this anecdote. Besides, the principles of physics may be totally against the brilliant story teller. I contradict not because I find it impossible to squeeze in an elephant inside a refrigerator. But because there are other ways to place this large mammal inside. First, you chop the elephant in many pieces. Second, open the refrigerator. Third, place the head on the freezer, the trunk in the vegetable bin and the rest of his body along the egg racks. Then, close the refrigerator.
Mathematics is not really my strongest point, but if there's one thing I've learned from those horrifying numbers that is there is no single solution to any mathematical equation. There are zillions of figures we barely even know that exist, and thus are capable of being used to derive a certain answer. That may be the reason why, solutions in problem solving are given points, other than the answer itself. This only shows that what man thinks is right, is not at all absolute. What man thinks is definite is not at all universal. What man thinks is real is not at all genuine. Most applicably, when we are dealing with a person's opinion.
Every man was given a gift of will and rationality. Which means, he has his own purpose, reason, belief and perspective; these things no one can ever persecute. I even think that these may be the only things that can't be bought from a person. That is why, my body thermometer would reach its optimum boiling point, when I come across meeting someone who does not consider another's opinion, who thinks rather that his opinion should be considered by others. If facts and certain truths, what makes opinion or perspective so taboo to these? I may restrain myself if I would found out that the world would turn against someone who answered I'm 65 years old if he was asked "What is your name". But for some question that entails one's view and his reason why he picked it and in the end was K.Oed by a self proclaimed connoisseur wanna be; I'm sorry but he's getting his butt kicked by a concerned 16-year old.
It's not bad to speak your mind and influence others to your cause. I am currently doing one. But within the process, take time to shut up and listen to another's voice. You might not know, their ideas are better than yours.
Before anyone gets the wrong idea, I am not saying that the truth shall be nullified or the falsity should be treated legitimate just to simply let everyone be happy with themselves.
It is a matter of finding the reason behind the mistake or the flaw within the driven-out plan. I'll put it this way: Is it acceptable for A to call B an idiot if he answered NO and supported magnificently his stand? The question goes this way : Can such blah-blah be applied in your everyday life? If YES, why? If NO, why? A believes the blah-blah is applicable to his life, so when B said NO, A proclaims that B is wrong, not even laying his eardrums to listen for B's Oscar-worthy supporting statement. Acceptable? I don't think so.
Thomas Edison found millions of ways how not to invent a light bulb. There are thousands of ways how to kill a cat. There are hundreds of ways how to put into writing my thoughts. A person who considers himself and his opinion to be absolute is nothing more but a chatterbox and a motor mouth of ideas. But a person who considers himself and his opinion just one of the several is simply a man of principles.
Opinions vary from one person to the other, in order to keep this difference constructive, respect and openness are needed.
If ever you might be disagreeing with my thoughts. Go ahead, you are free. I won't accuse you, I respect your opinion.
But in any case you would say that my opinion is wrong.
That's a different story.
I'll place you inside the refrigerator if you don't mind.
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